Glow in the dark dream catcher

Hi everyone, my grandson has asked for a glow in the dark dream catcher for his birthday and I was wondering if any of you lovely people made them? Thank you

If no one comes forward as being able to make one for you, this is something you and your grandson could probably make together (depending on age and manual dexterity). You can get wooden hoops and glow in the dark yarn from amazon and there are instructions on how to make a dreamcatcher on wikihow.


Thank you so much, my grandson will only be 4 so probably not quite ready to make one but that’s a good idea for me to have a go! It’s not something I’ve tried before but worth a look. Thank you.
You have some beautiful items in your shop, just gorgeous.

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He’s possibly a bit young but he can always be your ‘creative director’ ie tell you what to do! You also have the option on going out together to collect things like feathers which often feature in dream catchers. Good luck if you do decide to give it a go.


That’s a lovely idea, thank you for your help.

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