I was up bright and early this morning, a wash has been completed and dried, my workspace has been thoroughly cleaned and I have a fresh cup of coffee to enjoy while designing some new items for my shop. I was supposed to do this yesterday but it didn’t quite go to plan!
Hubby’s taking Adam & Molly to the cinema later so i’ll be left in peace, but until then I’m making good use of this early morning while their sleeping! 
Wishing you all a lovely day & hope you’re able to have a creative one!
K x
Got home at 3am after 3 days and 3 parties to celebrate my sisters wedding. Exhausted but got to get my daughter to work, go shopping for some food and sort out my house before returning to work tomorrow. Don’t think there will be any time for crafting today or for the next few days but will be back with it asap!
Have a great weekend.
Morning ladies,
It feels around midday to me, it’s not even 10am yet. Think I rose at 5am! I generally always wake early.
Roz @rozcraftz I’m glad you enjoyed it all, I read in another post you was walking in bare feet outside, that made me smile!! 
Good luck with your craft room Donna @RedDragonDesigns lol! I remember the days of fabrics taking over the house, it was disgraceful! I was watching tv in bed one night and Hubby pulled a piece of embroidery thread from his ear LMAO!
He just sat there whining how he’s sick of seeing pieces of thread here there and everywhere but he said when you pull it from your ear, that’s a joke! lol. 
That’s great you’re getting an overlocker, they come in handy!!! I’m excited for you! x 
Good morning people! I’m feeling very proud of myself as I’ve tackled my least favourite job (cleaning the floor under the cats bowls and washing the plastic mats that are supposed to stop me needing to clean the floor). I’ve also cooked a quiche for tea - has to be done first thing as we are all strange and like to eat it chilled! I was hoping to do some photos today, but the weather’s a bit grim right now.
Morning Rhiannon @RhiannonRoseJewellery
Glad you managed to get your floor cleaned. Homemade quiche is just the best! Hope you all enjoy. x
I’ve been assistant engineer to my son who is currently making a scale model of the Bloodhound SSE from bits of Lego he happens to have around.
It’s been moderately demanding… 
Love Sam x
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This morning I had a lie in then after tea and toast I varnished a plaque. Now I’m nosing around fb and my forums.
I may finish off a blog post but until then I’m thoroughly enjoying a completely lazy few hours 
Aww that’s cute Samantha @SamanthaStanley x
Glad you had a lie in Jan @HandcraftedbyPicto. I really do love your rainbow illustration, I’ve said that before! x