Good suppliers for cards - any suggestions gladly received!

Hi there,

does anyone out there recommend any companies that print up greetings cards from your original illustrations, I’ve looked on and they work out at about 74p per card (inc envelope) but they only seem to do A5 size, If possible I wanted to go slightly bigger and cheaper, does anyone know any good companies out there who provide this service? Also please drop by my shop, it’s been a bit quiet of late!



Chris, I know there have been problems with the view counter recently, so it probably hasn’t really been as quiet as you think. I see your other question has been answered on one of your other threads :smile:

I would suggest looking at local printing companies, the small little ones you can often get really great deals with them.

I’m looking locally for a family member to print cards of their art at the moment.

thanks for your help Eileen, Chris