Had to share this Quote!

I’ve had an eventful week this week, stuck in bed with a cold and then a lovely trip to A&E yesterday via ambulance for some complications…so am I stitching?..am I heck!..anyway…Some poor lady on another Forum had a really nasty customer - basically a bully, and one of the many lovely responses was posted by a lady thus:

'I found this quote from Brené Brown and love it- “Don’t try to win over the haters; you are not the jackass whisperer.” ’

Thought it was a must-share!..Mx


Lovely quote! Do hope next week is much better for you, Maggie!

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Love it! I like quotes that are good enough to make me laugh out loud.

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Thank you Helen.xx

Oh Maggie! I do hope you are now on the mend? What a great quote. Might have to write that down and have it pinned to my computer to refer to at ‘those’ moments.

Jacqueline x

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Thank you sweetie! All getting better! Just a hacking cough but at least I can work now! Xx