Happy Easter Everyone!

I’d like to wish everyone on Folksy a very happy Easter! :smile:


Thank you, Sue - I hope everyone is having a lovely day!

Thank you, having a quiet day as family visited last week. Happy Easter to you! :baby_chick:

Happy Easter from Canada! Not that we really do Easter…and it’s still only 10am here so not too sure what we’re going to do. We did go for a lovely walk yesterday though as everything is warming up and everything’s coming out of hibernation now- so saw hundreds of Ground squirrel.

Didn’t manage to see any beavers but they’re definitely everywhere! The trees all the way along the river downtown are either like this- or have been wrapped in chicken wire to prevent them destroying the place! Haha

My Easter present wasn’t chocolate- instead it was finally getting my hands on a String of Pearls succulent! I’ve wanted one forever!! Haha

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend whatever you’re up to! :smiley:

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