Had a lovely weekend, we ended up going to Norfolk and the weather was beautiful. I can’t believe the amount of posts I’ve come back to in this place lol. I need to play catchup!
Did anyone manage to make anything new for their shops? I’d made some new bits for mine Friday day but I didn’t get chance to do the photos so i’ll do that later.
I haven’t made anything in 2 weeks, as I had an awful stomach bug that layed me up for days, and left me soo drained after. But im hoping to get some bits done today, shame the sun isn’t shining, though if it was I’d probably get distracted by the garden
I’ve been busy making new felt notebooks for a craft fair next weekend, so probably won’t be listing them until afterwards (if they haven’t sold). I had my first sale on here for over 2 months at the weekend - just posted it - so that’s a relief…I was beginning to think no-one loved me (or my work) anymore
I’ve had a busy weekend. Went on a spontaneous trip to London on Saturday and then spent most of yesterday doing my weekend household chores and admin. I did manage to do a bit of felting though and made this felt covered diary/card holder - I know its probably a bit early for 2016 diaries but I have got a few to make up and the end of the year always arrives much quicker than expected!
Yesterday we picked some scrummy strawberries and then visited a garden centre to get some plants. Spent the rest of the day tidying the garden up and putting new plants in.
So no new things for the shop. I’m hoping to get stuck in tomorrow
I know it’s about too.soon to list them but I’m getting ready for Xmas.
These usually do well on my stall so I’m hoping they will here.too.
Yay first.proper Xmas.
Hi Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880
I don’t think it’s ever too early to get prepared for Christmas.
I’m still learning when to make, and stock certain popular event related items. I always feel I’m abit too late getting started with things so I’m hoping to be more organised.
It just feels weird thinking of Xmas in summer lol
For some reason my brain is always thinking of Christmas.
It’s my favourite time of year. I do everyone’s head in cos I go about ott
I did everything wrong last year when It came to seasonal stuff so hopefully I get it right.this year.
The only thing I got right was Xmas.
I have some fantastic Halloween stuff.to list.
But not sure.when to list them.
I made pumpkin and witch wineglass charms and bracelets and earrings.
It’s so much fun.
Just returned from a cruise so busy washing and ironing. I started a tote bag before I went away so I shall get round to finishing this when my chores are complete. I’m making as many items as I can to fill my shop, as it’s been empty for a while now what with one thing or another. Marg.
Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell Suzanne @WashedandFound, I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better. x
Love your notebook Christine @ciesse, the colour is beautiful. Congrats on your sale, they can be slow for everyone so try not to be disheartened by it. They always come when you least expect it. x
Roz @Rozcraftz your diary is lovely! And you’re right, 2016 will be here before you know it so ideally now is as good a time as any to start working on them! Glad you enjoyed you’re trip!
Kim @KBCreations I think you should treat yourself to a new bag. x
The photo looks fab Karen @karenscraftybitz, I love visiting places like that! The strawberries, I could just eat some of those right now! x
Dawn I’m glad you’re eye sight has returned today. Love your new items, I’m a huge fan of Christmas too! I’d just go ahead and list them into your shop, along with your Halloween items. I made a set of Christmas tags Friday day but I didn’t manage to take any photos yet, hopefully later! x
Welcome back Marg @memicrafts. Hope you manage to get your housework done and dusted. You’re necklaces are adorable! x
Good afternoon all,
I had an open studio all weekend (and another one next weekend) but managed to get the fordite cufflinks mostly polished in between visitors. Someone saw the work in progress and loved it so much that she commissioned a pair for her hubby!
Here is the original commission…
I’m about to email the photo to the client to see if she likes them as much as I do, she chose the mismatched pair as she thinks the pattern will appeal to her hubby.
Oh their absolutely stunning Sasha @SashaGarrett. I really love how each one is different and I’m so happy you got the commission! I know the lady will be over the moon with them, well done you! x
Thanks Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880, i’ll post them in here when I’ve listed them. I managed to take the photos already, hooray! lol. x
I love the earrings Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880, so glad you’re able to see better today. I read your post when you said you could only open one eye! Bless you! x
Yeah the last few days have been fun.
The medication is working a treat. it still goes ability funny every now and then but so much better. Still looks gross though.
I suffer from iritis. It’s inflammation of the eye. It’s brought on by my crohns disease.
I got told I’ll have it for the rest of my life now.
But it’s controllable.