Today I made a picture in a box frame but I just can’t seem to get a decent photo without reflections - I can’t remove the glass as it is holding some aspects of the picture in place. Heres the best I could manage which is pretty dreadful. Any suggestions?
If you hang like a plain white sheet or something behind you when you take the photo it can help soften the light and get rid of the reflection. I’ve also done a similar thing with a large piece of white paper and it did work. The cheapest & easiest solution I can think of- you may have to find an area of your house where you’re not directly within the glare of a light. And natural light is the best/easiest to soften and help prevent the reflection.
I agree with Susannah about natural light, and would be tempted to photograph in a slightly shady area outside.
P.s…love hedgehogs!
I found this little handy article. He has a bit of a fancy set up but i’m sure it would be possible to re create it on a household budget. Maybe even just using the black card in front of the camera would work without the lighting.
So basically he’s got a sheet of card with a hole cut into it that fits over the lens.
That idea occurred to me while I was in the bath - best place for good ideas! Will give it a try tomorrow - no light left now - Thanks
The bath can be a dangerous place for ideas. Good luck, I hope you get good results.
This is always difficult with glazed, “embossed” subjects. The illumination needs to come from an oblique angle so that the reflection of the light source is out of frame? I see you are probably square on to the subject. It’s a matter of light cast back from the picture behind the glass vs light from behind the camera reflected from the glass. I would suggest a black sheet and cat burglar attire only in the reflected zone and white elsewhere to admit maximum illumination.
In a very former life, I used to do some of the photography for Aspreys and Garrards catalogues. Managing reflections was a huge challenge. If you are photographing shiny things, a fine water spray or a bit of spray mount type adhesive is useful. For glass the best solution is to shoot through a small hole in a dark sheet or at an angle such that something uniform and dark is reflected. If your camera will take one you could also use a polarising filter or if not you can buy polarising film (pro photo or stage lighting shops will do it) to make your own filter to shoot through or cover your lights with. Hope that helps. Let me know if I haven’t explained it very well.
Thanks for your suggestions - I suddenly remembered I had a small light tent with a small opening in the front for the camera lens - not something I use much now as most of my things are too big for it. However it has helped - not perfect but I now have a reasonable picture with minimal reflections.