Continuing the discussion from Product photography crits - put your product shots up for review!:
Hi, I am not having any success with Folksy, although on Etsy my mobiles are selling slowly but steadily. Because the mobiles are mobile, they don’t show their full effect in a still photo. I have a number of them on Instagram videos, and some Etsy videaos. Any thoughts and advice would be welcome. My shop is TranquillityMobiles and
My in your face first thought is that horse does the photo no favours. Can’t you crop it so that it shows only and all the mobile and remove the horse. Also white backgrounds work best here on Folksy, certainly for subjects like that.
PS your pinned post on your FB page is from 2017 and has no attached photo… would be a great idea to unpin it
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Thank you for having a look at my problem. I will change the order of the pictures and put a plain one on the front page. I hadn’t noticed the problem with Facebook. I don’t really understand how it works and I need to monitor it more closely. I will see if I can correct that.
Meant to say your mobiles are lovely.

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Thank you. I have changed the Bunny photo, but not completely happy with it. Will take another one. Facebook is giving me some problems as it is quite old,but I have added an Angel photo. I don’t know why it wasn’t there as it is elsewhere on the page!
Your bunnies look much nicer 
On your FB page if you tick that little pin against your pinned post from 2017 it will remove it from the top of your page and you can replace it with a more recent post by pinning that instead. When I saw the pinned post my initial thought was that you had not visited your page for 3 years 
Thank you for your help with Facebook. I have dealt with the old angel post, and removed a few other outdated posts.
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I’ve been on Folksy for a year now and have not sold one thing! I manage to sell in other places so what do you think I’m doing wrong? I’m currently looking at my photos (which need work!) any other pointers? Any advise would be very welcome. I appreciate constructive criticism, so don’t offend easily!
@ShikobaArt I think, if possible, adding a photo of the item on a lapel or being worn in the hair would be really useful to help give an impression of size.
Thanks @SashaGarrett
I’m going to redo all my photos I think. It’s a big job but hoped worth it. I shall rope in my daughter with the gorgeous hair to model for me. Thanks for your advise.
hi, i think one thing may be that as you are not a plus member, then you are not able to relist frequently. basically the plus membership allows you to ‘refresh/relist’ daily, so when someone goes to the category page, they are more likely to see your work on page 1 or 2 rather than buried somewhere!
I would agree with Sasha about the photos. Possibly also redo photos on a paler wood background, as the products don’t stand out as well on darker stained wood.
Folksy can be a bit slow for me at times too, but i think the above pointers should help x
Thanks so much for taking the time to look. I’ve photographed some earrings yesterday in a different style (see picture) and my son has worked his photo magic on the background. So I am planning a reshoot of all my stock
and we’ll see if that helps. I’ll look into upgrading too. Thanks again.
@SashaGarrett @SulikoSoul
UPDATE! I’ve re shot my entire stock! Hopefully these will be better! Thanks for the advise, very much appreciated