Homepage theme tags

do they all need to be in lower case letters?

I’ve just been checking out my Christmas decoration tags and most of them already have the tag, Christmas decoration but on the July themes it is, christmas decoration.

Will I need to go through them all and edit them or will the tags still work with a capital C at the beginning? @folksycontent

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I’m fairly certain they’re not case sensitive Sarah. My Christmas tags have a capital C as well but I’m sure I remember one of the Folksy team saying tags aren’t case sensitive, so you should be fine.


Thanks Helen - that saves me a lot of time editing x


I was wondering that myself, so thanks for the info x

I’ve got another tag question - so tomorrow’s tag is “clay” - I have “clay” listed in my materials on most of my listings - will it pick up this tag or does it actually have to be in the 15 tags section?

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Yes, it will pick it up from materials tags. I knew this was the case with colours - colour tags work the same way as other tags. I just tried it on one of your listings. I clicked one of your “clay” tags in materials and it brought up the “Items tagged with clay” page, which is the one the theme of the day uses.

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Thanks Helen x

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Hi, can you explain what this means?

On the Folksy front page the 2nd section down is " Theme of the day". Each month Folksy release a list of themes for every day of that month, which you can find here in the forums (here is August’s list = Homepage themes and tags for August - here's the list).

When you list an item there’s a section for you to put tags, and the theme of the day uses these tags. So on 24th August the theme will be “seaside”. Any item on Folksy that has the tag “seaside” will be included in the theme of the day section. You only see 8 items at a time on the front page, and these are selected at random (it’ll change every time you refresh the page), but if you click “see more” you’ll see the full list of items.

This thread is asking whether capitalisation matters, so if “seaside” is the theme and you had “Seaside” in your tags, would your item still be included (yes).

However, ignoring upper/lower case, the word does have to match exactly. You have some glass fish which would fit the theme, but they have the tag “by the seaside”. The Folksy system won’t recognise this as a match for the theme of the day, so it won’t get included on the 24th. If you change one of your tags to just say “seaside”, then your fish will have a chance of being on the front page that day :slight_smile:


You have been really helpful, thank you so much for your time with explaining this to me @konyskiw. I am off to your shop now to like lots of items to say thank you too. x