Hopefully the 1st of many

Im excited, I’ve made my first sale. Hoping now for brighter things, lets say its taken s while


Hopefully you have more sale very soon :slight_smile:


Aww that’s great, well done. :blush:

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Thank you Its given me a boost to add more to my page


I didnt think it was ever going to happen


Congratulations - it can take a while. Here’s to many more :smiley:

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Congratulations, such a good feeling isn’t it

Congratulations :tada::tada:

Woohoo :partying_face: that’s great news, well done.

Congratulations, that’s great news :tada:

Congratulations, here’s to many more for you. x

Congratulations. It’s the best feeling. Here’s wishing you so many more.

Congratulations :tada:

Thank You, I was thinking do I need to be doing something else

I does give me hope to keep listing a stick with it

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The knitting needles and crochet hook will be on fire

The more listings you have, the better chance of getting sales.
I know it can be difficult to keep going when you aren’t getting sales but if you have more listings you get a better chance of getting found.
If you walked into a shop that was pretty much empty, you’d probably walk back out pretty quickly. Keep going :muscle:t3:

Ooh you’ve added some more lovely things - my mother crochets blankets - or at least to. At 90 years old she finds it hurts her hands too much now. But all the family have at least 2 blankets - we have 4! Yours are beautiful work.

It might be nice as you get more confident to fill in your “about” section so people/customers can learn a little bit about you. I think it helps to create more of a personal touch. :blush:

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Congratulations! Wishing you lots more sales with your lovely shop x

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Congratulations! Here’s to many more :clinking_glasses:

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