How do you promote your page

Hello everybody.

I’m very new to this game so wondered where do you guys think it’s best to promote your page without it being too intrusive onto people.

What works best for You?



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I use Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. I find Instagram to be the best. I love the community on there. But I don’t just share things to do with what I make. Instagram for me is just sharing all sorts, things I’m up to; places I go, in progress videos and photos and then also final items for sale.
I also think it’s super important to interact with others.
But social media is a good way to promote your online stores. As is places like craft fairs if you do those.

Just got to play around with them all and find something that works for you! Loads of people do other promotions on here as well- I don’t- but then I don’t live in the Uk anymore so can’t sell on here anymore. Haha

Good luck with it all!! :slight_smile:

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