How many items do you have in your shop?

i am not criticizing anybody here at all and i can see no reason why anybody would have a problem with somebody selling hundreds.
i was just saying that people who are worrying about not having enough pages in their shop maybe don’t have to worry.
being unique and having unique items is great - and is why you do well as people love buying your unique items. and this is also why folksy is so great.
if i have caused offence, then sorry

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Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to answer my question and add their comments. It is really interesting and helpful to hear about other sellers experiences and their views.

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Hi everyone :wink:
My shop is fairly new here on Folksy and I’ve not long started listing on there. I have (I think) 15 items listed in my shop but have had 5 sales.

Congrats on your 1100 sales Sara :smile:

I have 91, aiming for 100, have never had this many in my shop before so will be interesting to see if it makes a difference!

Only 19 at the moment!