I’m having an argument with myself, can you help me settle it in my head please?
What do people think??
Last year I changed my prices to include the p&p (admittedly I didn;t put it in the listing title, I know should do, but not always enough room), but now I am thinking in these times of hardship is it better to keep the prices “looking” low when they are displayed on group listings rather than a bit high because I’ve included the P&P?
Is it good practice to keep the p&p separate?
I already have the mosaic p&p and price separate, as thats a bit pricey so didnt want the high listing price to put people off. So this question is for jewellery, cards and prints,
I am thinking of changing it back to keeping the p&p separate, but before I do, I would like to hear what people think.
Thank you