Hi lovely Folksy Sellers - hope you are having a fabulous Summer!
Just thought I would pop my head in with my British Crafters hat on just in case there were any newbies that haven’t heard of us!
With a combined Social Media following of almost 100K we can really help to drive some traffic to your Folksy shop!
We are already filling up with bookings for the Autumn and September only has a few spaces left now! More details on our packages are here ----> http://www.britishcrafters.co.uk
You get promotion across the Social Media spectrum (even if you have no presence yourself) and we do your promotion so you can carry on making!
Don’t forget on FB you can join in whenever you like
www.facebook.com/BritishCrafters with our themed days and Open days and it helps you build your own network. We are currently on a Summer break for FB but reopen on 4th Sept. On Thursdays we tend to network and share tips!
Tag us in your tweets https://twitter.com/BritishCrafting and we will follow you and retweet you too!
Finally on Instagram in August we are showcasing 3 shops a day with British Crafters Makes of the Day. Make sure you follow us and tag your post #bcmotd https://www.instagram.com/britishcraftershq/
Let us help you - it’s what we do!
Feel free to ask any questions - either on here or email britishcrafters@gmail.com
Dottie x
Good Morning Dottie,
The sun is still shining this morn.
I think we have had a fab summer this year. However i have tried very hard not to complain when it has been to hot.
I am not new to folksy but I struggle massively with computers (as I am very much old school) Although I have been learning more with help. My shop has been slow this month not sure if i have done anything as I have changed a few tags and descriptions. I would like to join the british crafters .co.uk but unfortunately my lack of confidence and ability to know how to work the net lets me down. I would be grateful for any advice.
Hiya! Am on my mobile in London so will have a look at your shop tomorrow and see how I can help you! One of our best selling shops though who made the Folksy Best Sellers is not active herself on Social Media but just leaves it all to me 
I’m not getting any sales here and yet on Etsy I’ve had over 1,000. I’m not sure what’s wrong and like J & K not good on computers and don’t do social media other than pinterest now and then - any ideas gratefully received as so far Folksy has been a waste of money.
Hiya! Great Thanks looking forward to your feedback. Yeah I find social Media a struggle. 
Hi Jacqui- your shop is so beautiful! Have never seen cards like then - so clever!
If you were to promote with us you really don’t have to play any part in it unless you want to. We basically use different channels to drive potential customers to your shop. Often the biggest and hardest job is just getting people to your shop and we do that for you.
On our starter package, over the course of a month you get…
6 Facebook showcases with link to your shop and page with image.
6 Images uploaded to British Crafters Pinterest Boards
6 Instagram shoutouts with images and links to your Ig account.
60 Tweets to your shop/page including 10 with picture images and 10 including your Twitter name.
We have a big following and can make a difference. If you have a look on the website there are some lovely testimonials from people that have had a huge difference to their online selling by using us.
Do shout if you have any specific questions!
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Hi there
Your shop looks great
The main difference I think between Etsy & Folksy is that on Folksy you have to drive your own traffic to the shop. The majority of the Top Sellers on here have this as their only online platform and actively promote their shops.
Obviously we can get people to your Folksy shop for you which can only help!
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Hi Dottie,
Thank You! so much for your lovely feedback.
The package is Ideal for someone like me. I will go and have a look at the website. Ive already liked the Facebook Page with your link above. Thanks for your help and links.
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How does one ‘drive traffic’ I know that other sellers used facebook and Instagram but both platforms have too much stuff that I don’t like on to have an account and use.
I use Twitter and ig and struggle to get visits here. And I have over 4000 followers on Twitter. I hardly see much in my feed from Folksy.
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Well we use all the traditional social media sites to get people to your shop but obviously it is time consuming which is why lots of people use us. No shortcuts I think unless you are a big brand of have a huge repeat customer base!
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Personally I think on Twitter you have to make time to chat to people and not just be trying to sell your work. I sell lots on Instagram but rarely post my work - people just know what I sell. Twitter is the biggest driver for British Crafters promoted shops - used to be FB. No magic wand unfortunately x
Hi Dottie,
It’s been a great summer, though I’m glad of the cooler, slightly wetter weather atm, a more typical British summer!
I’ve had my shop on folksy for a while now, with only 2 sales… it’s a bit disheartening tbh, and I’m not quite sure where I’m going wrong. Any advice greatly appreciated!
I’m interested in the help you’re offering, though like many crafters on this thread, I’m a bit old-school when it comes to computers… i do instagram (seaside_rocks) but not twitter, and i find facebook (Seaside Rocks) frustrating as the posts seem to have a mind of their own when it comes to ‘post reach’ and generate few ‘likes’…
I find many people like the things I make, but no follow on sales, and if i didn’t enjoy making so much, i think I’d have thrown in the towel by now!
Anyway, i look forward to any help you can offer. Thankyou in advance!
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Hi Jacqui,
Bless you, thankyou for your response! I won’t stop making, but if I’m not selling then my living room will be overrun with stock very soon. The dining table cannot be dined on!
Good you’ve got some help with this computer lark though… and I’m not sure if i can justify another financial outlay either… for now, I’ll hashtag (#bcmotd) and link ? (@britishcraftershq) on instagram as Dotty suggests (if I’ve understood correctly). If you haven’t tried instagram yet, have a go, it’s much easier than facebook, and seems to have a better response than fb too. In my case anyway! Sophie 
Hi Sophie
Your shop is super - you just need to get people to see it. The way I explain it best I think is that when you are promoting on your own social medias channels it’s a bit like setting up a table outside your home. Your friends & family will come and say nice things and the odd passer by might buy something. What we do with such a following is drive coach loads of people to your front door that have already expressed and interest in both handmade and shopping! It’s not that we are doing something magic but just getting something seen by so many people increases the probability of someone parting with their cash!
Hope this helps x
I totally understand that you would be cautious to outlay money on promotion in case it didn’t work for you. Don’t forget you join in on FB when we restart on 4/9 and that is free 
Hi Sophie,
I understand completely where your coming from with the craft space! No I haven’t tried instagram. I will have to ask my daughter in law about it. Thank you Sophie ( my granddaughter is called Sophie to lovely name) Jacqui:hugs:
Hi Dottie
Is the facebook page closed? As i have only liked the page. Would i still be able to message you on there? Jacqui