May Blossoms Daily Listing Challenge Thread. 1st to 31st May 2015

Morning Blossoms, a blossomy listing from me. Thank you Julie for the earring love :D, I am not sure if I could make them clip on’s for you @MidnightStarDesigns but I could send you the same lucite if you wanted?

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Morning Blossoms.
Thank you Donna .Hugs to everyone
Make up bags today
Valerie x

Good morning Blossoms. Gorgeous thing as ever - all loved and pinned on to my new board for May.

Some more polished shell earrings from me today:


My listing for today

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One sale to report from me…thanks


Thank you Donna @ShropshireNaturalProducts for running the thread, and thanks to Natalie @NOfkantsCurios for having run it for so long without a grumble!

Roz @Rozcraftz I’m sorry to hear your unsettling news. You’ve done wonderfully well over the last year and I’m certain you will continue to do well in both your lines of work.

Nice to see so many Blossoms joining in this month :smile:

Mine today is A6 sized, on handmade 100% recycled cotton rag paper with torn edges, making it ideal for a simple floating mount style framing.

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Morning all
I haven’t had a chance to read and love ect.
But I’m having a nightmare getting on to here.
I could get on the folksy page but haven’t managed till now since 1 yesterday afternoon so lots to catch up on.

Hopefully it was my Internet.
Well here is what I listed yesterday

I’ll catch up through the day. Sorry I couldn’t read all your news yet.

Relisting again

Hi Blossoms - hope all you attending Fairs today have had a good day.
I am a bit late joining you today but the day ran away with me - anyway just a relist of these Mallard Duck Cushions - be back later - Maureen

Hi Everyone
New listing today

Evening everyone.
Hope those of you who have done stalls today did well

It sounds like a few of you are having a really rough time at the moment.
Im sending you big hobbit hugs.

I have managed to catch up with yesterday’s and today’s lovely items
Here’s a bracelet from me today.

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Sending good wishes to you Roz @Rozcraftz xx

My first listing for May, hopefully will have many more :smile:

I’ve a bit of shopkeeping to sort out before taking my shop out of holiday mode, the craft market was well attended but not many people wanted cards so I only made a small profit (but it was better than a loss :slight_smile: ) and a few people took business cards/flyers so I might get some sales from that.


All caught up :slight_smile:

HI everyone,

I am really sorry to have to say, but the fair I attended today was the worst ever! In the centre of a bustling town on market day and only about 40 people through the door. Mainly bought in items on other stalls and the stall next to us was selling Indian food. Sadly, although it smelt delicious, it wasn’t covered most of the time, was open to everyone who could cough, sneeze, touch it and when it grew cool, it was pinged in a microwave! Nothing refrigerated. The stall holders wore gloves sometimes, forgot at other times and seemed to wear the gloves to keep their hands from getting greasy rather that clean, as everything was being cross contaminated. I am sure it was delicious, but I was rather suspicious of hygiene - plus you couldn’t tell what was in anything! They were licking their fingers between serving customers and not washing hands and wee eating items for sale on the go!!!

For the first time ever, I packed up and left early from a fair. Not one penny was added to my cash tin and the stall wasn’t exactly cheap.

Humph - rant over.

Glad to hear others had a much better day. Promise to be back with a listing a bit later, but its bed time for little ones first.

Jacqueline x


A couple of new items for you …

Simple pieces, but sometimes you just need some wardrobe basics.

Right, cuppa calls,

Jacqueline x

Just added this topic if anyone would like to join in - yay for new babies xx


Evening all, sorry I’m a bit late on parade today, Saturday is the proper cleaning day so I’m always running around from early morning to late evening after everyone with a duster lol.

Sorry the fair wasn’t that successful @JAustenJewelleryDesign Jacqueline, not sure I would have liked to sample the food either!

Heres mine for today

P.S. @lizdyson Liz, order arrived yesterday hun, everything is fabulous and thanks for the little extras xxx

Eww that sounds horrid. Sorry you had a bad day :frowning:

Jacqueline @JAustenJewelleryDesign - Oh Jacqueline what a dreadful day for you - all pinned and tweeted - night night - Maureen

Evening Blossoms

Jacqueline @JAustenJewelleryDesign sorry your fair was so poor. And I’m still cringing at the thought of that food
My fair wasn’t much better, not that many people attending & what they did spend as spread across around 35 - 40 stalls, so not a lot taken. I felt rather sorry for the organiser - it was her first fair & she had promoted well, but there was another large & established event going on fairly near by & I think that affected us.
Never mind, so how tomorrow goes. A school & village May festival, almost on my doorstep, & cheap. I don’t think the weather is going to be great, fortunately we’re indoor, but a shame for all the May dancing if it rains.

New earrings from me