May Blossoms Daily Listing Challenge Thread. 1st to 31st May 2015

Morning all.

I hope you are all well. I’m exhausted but good.
I have just spent a little while rereading some of yesterday’s posts and pinning ect. Things if I missed them. (there was afew)
I was so tired last night that I was sort of reading falling asleep on the bus home.
I didn’t get home till well past 9pm.
When I arrived at my sisters I had the shock of my life to find my brother still there.
He was ment to go home on Monday but turns out his car broke day and with it being bank holiday no one would come and look at it.
Well he tried fixing it himself. And he got it going to find that a part he couldn’t replace had broken too.
So I spent the whole day helping him and looking after the boys.
(Had to push a car up a hill three times)

Well here is a relist. Some fun shell earrings

Liz @lizdyson that is fantastic about your house bet that’s abit of a relief.

I have a few more relists today be back later

Here’s another pair of earrings

Good morning Blossoms,
I hope you are al well. Liz @lizdyson that’s good news about your house and almost reaching your target :smile:
Well done on all the sales :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada:
I’m afraid I’m just rushing through again today. I just seem to have so much to do at the mo and not enough hours in the day to do it all.
So here’s another re-list
I have clicked, pinned and loved to here,
Donna x

Good morning. Last day of the fair today; yesterday was ok-ish afte a dire Bank Holiday Monday. Few people about and those that were weren’t in a spending mood. Might have been the cup final but I’m surprised if Middlesbrough FC has that influence. Never mimd - onwards and upwards :smile:
Donna @ShropshireNaturalProducts can you add two sales to the tally, please. (See whar I mean :smile: )
Todays listing -

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Good morning all…looks like being a nice day here.
Today I have something slightly different. …a 7x5" mounted watercolour
(I will be back later to do the “clicking”)

Me again. I hope you are all having lovely weather.
I left my flat with a coat and jumper.had to go back and change.
I’m just waiting for a bus. I have a hospital appointment. very boring.

I have relisted this fun dice bracelet

Good morning Blossoms

Good luck with all the moving, Liz. I remember you doing the same thing just before I disappeared a while ago… must be hectic for you!

Morning Blossoms,

Good luck with your move Liz @lizdyson
Potty training, when my son was nearly 3 we had a workman come to mend the roof, Haydn was really interested in what was happening and got talking to the roofer. The roofer said to Haydn “you are too old for nappies but I have a little boy who needs nappies” Haydn gave the bag of nappies and his dummy to the roofer and never looked back - like others have said he must have been ready :smiley:

Another listing in commercial supplies today - pity my photo wont turn around :frowning: Rachel

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Good morning all. Just off out for a walk and lunch with my friend.
Hope everyone is well. Good news on the house front Liz
Well done on the sales. The sales fairy has forgotten where I live
Some special offers today. Free postage for Blossoms. Let me know at checkout and I will refund.
Valerie x

Rachel @Glehcar Nige won’t let me have another pair. @hobbitgirlie1880 can you take it easier today you deserve a rest after yesterday. Everyone seems very busy currently not sure if its due to half term or life in general. All this talk of gardening is making me feel quite guilty ours is so in need of attention we are now setting the car parking sensor off as the grass has got so long. Today is a relist of this gauntlet have a few things to finish that need to be in the post this afternoon.

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I promise I’m going home to do not alot now. As I have boys again tomorrow then stall on Friday.
Think it’s.half term makes life a bit crazy.

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Thanks for all the good wishes. I’m wracked with guilt and worry - have I made the right decision? Everyone will have to make sacrifices for us to be able to fit into a smaller house. I’m particularly worried about my son as we had planned for his drum kit to be in the garage but now we find out that there is no electricity in there. I have looked up battery LED lights but I’m so worried. Also, I had to cancel his 4 week summer camp because of the move, so feeling very guilty. He seems OK. I keep telling myself that we are moving to Macc for his benefit and that this is the best I can manage. At least I have got him into an “outstanding” school according to Ofsted - just need the written confirmation. Oh wouldn’t that just be the icing on the cake if we moved to Macc for that school and they didn’t offer him a place? Golly, there’s a lot to worry about. I miss my daughter, but we Skyped last night and she gave me a good talking to. I’m just glad she’ll be here to help with the move as the week after she’s off to Korea for 4 weeks.

What a Moaning Minny, I sound like. Right, off to the post box with my orders. Back soon.



My daughter skipped the potty stage too (which to be honest was a bit of a pain as we only had 1 toilet and it was upstairs but she just refused to do anything on the potty) My son was very lazy about the whole thing, he was nearly 3 and knew when he needed to go but couldn’t be bothered to stop playing to go to the potty in the end I spent the Easter holidays at home with him in just pants and a t-shirt, he quickly learnt if he didn’t want uncomfortable wet pants he needed to get to the potty before he had to wee (we still used ‘pull-ups’ at bedtime and if we were travelling any distance but it wasn’t long before we could get rid of those too)


Summer is a good time to try if you think she’s ready, just let her run around in pants and a t shirt (if it’s hot she’ll probably be happier like that anyway) don’t worry too much about the first few accidents that’s how they figure out the connection between the feeling of a full bladder and having a wee, one piece of advice I was given when my eldest was at that stage was it’s no good training them until they can actually say ‘potty’ or ‘need a wee’ (my grandma was a great one for telling me that my dad was potty trained at 1 year old but I’m sure it was just that she was sitting him on it a lot, not that he could say the word ‘potty’ to tell her when he needed it!)

Wow that is moving quick Lizy :slight_smile: good luck xx

Nothing terrible about the odd takaway :slight_smile:

Found this in my ‘hidden’ list for some reason (only thing I can think of is our printer packed in a month or so ago and this is a custom order which I need a printer for so I probably hid it then forgot to ‘unhide’ when we got a new printer!)

It’s true. My other half is making it sound like it’s all we eat.
In alhonesty he does eat alot of take aways tho. He he he 0:)

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Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880 OH and I have found that a lot of the time it’s actually cheaper to eat out then to cook. Especially when it’s just the two of you and you have vouchercloud lol We eat out 3-4 times a week. It has the added bonus of saving on washing up too :smile:
I have been reminded by Diane @HandmadeByDiane to post a link to the name choosing thread here :slight_smile: so here it is

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Good afternoon (where did the morning go?)

Possible teachers gift?

Carol x

Hiya all!

My thoughts exactly Carol @Knittingtopia !!

Not read today’s yet, but here’s another new Father’s Day listing

Catch up in a jiff, steph xx

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