Memory bears

Hi im quite new here and still getting used to all the different categories i make memory elephants but i dont know which category to put it under any help from you lovely people would be great thank you


Nursery and Playroom
Everything Else

Are the two I use and then tag with as many Keepsakes as you can think off and where it’s made is also a good tag along with Hand Made. Hope this helps. Katie

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Thank you so much that helps alot :blush:

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Hi welcome to Folksy, love your elpehants.
If they are memory bears I would add them to
HOMEWARE, Dolls and collectables then animal dolls

If you add them to the nursery section they need to be CE compliant and memory bears are impossible to CE certify as materials etc used are donated.
Good luck with your shop

Ahh yes that does make sense thank you ill do that :blush:

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