about this but I’m moving more to the side of it being a bit spammy and pushie
I use google+ to promote and until now this has never happened.
I’m on a few of the groups on that help promote each other’s items and it’s great you post your item and you either share someones elses or +1 (give a like) to one the items from someone in your group. Everyone is very good and some people will also make nice comments.
I shared a lovely patchwork baby quilt with a nice comment as I really liked it which is what you do when you add your own item.
Well this person has just commented back to me with “Thank you, if you contact me,(giving me her email address) I’ll consider selling abroad.”
I’m not happy as you are not supposed to try and sell to someone who is simply sharing or loving )+1ing or commenting on an item.
I think it’s sort of spamy and sort of makes the seller look desparate. It also makes me want to put her on a ‘Black List’ to never comment, share or +1 any of her items no matter how lovely they might be.
It does make the seller look a bit desperate and I’d avoid them like the plague! It’s a little bit like on FB where I like somebody’s painting on an general art page and suddenly they’re contacting me asking me to like their own page/website etc. It puts me off liking anything if I think they’re going to contact me because of it!
oh gosh that would really annoy me and make me feel unable to like something at a later date.
Afterall we like things for many reason doesn’t mean we are wanting to buy.
gosh I love lots of things I’ve seen from people on Folksy and have used the love button but that doesn’t mean I’m in the market to buy just that I think what they’ve made is lovely.
No , I hate this aswell - I get this on the dark side a lot , people messaging you offering discount codes etc just because you have liked something.
I just ignore.
I can’t stand pushy sellers, they make me run a mile. It is really exhausting if you get put next to one at a craftfair
I agree, it always makes me feel awkward when you just like something because it’s lovely and then they come back with sales offers, I have had that happen on Twitter, FB and the dark side, I always just ignore or report as spam if they persist and try to remember not to like them again
It does make her sound desperate for a sale, I’ve had lots of people like my cards (on here and facebook) but wouldn’t dream of sending any of them a message like that, I’ve also clicked like/love on lots of things (again on here and facebook) not because need/want them but just because I think they’re beautiful. I’ll admit some of them I wish I could buy and sometimes I share on Facebook to drop a brick-sized hint to Hubby for birthday presents but if I got a pushy message I think it would put me off buying anyway.
I’ve been near a few at craft fairs, I just sit patiently with a smile and if they look to be searching for something ask quietly and politely if they’re looking for anything in particular, I often take decoupage sheets with me to cut out if there’s a lull in customers, and that seems to draw in more than trying to sell to everyone who comes past.
Thank’s ladies I don’t feel so mean now. I’ve sent her a message saying I think her quilt is lovely and shared it as I wanted other’s to see how lovely it was and sorry I’m not looking to buy.
I think its just the way of the world. Im not saying it isnt annoying but there was actually a tv advert encouraging people who are looking for something online to like/add to cart with items but NOT buy them in hopes that they would receive a discount offer or something. I don’t like the pushyness of it all but i do think we will see more and more of it.
It might also just be a touch of niaivity… I’m sure I’m not the only one who assumed likers would be buyers in the early days of selling on line. Now I tend to view likes more as a compliment than an intention. But as there are no written rules, not everyone is clear about the etiquette of these kinds of groups
Maybe but there are rules to the group and it’s supposed to be a sharing ladder to help each other promote their shops and items to a wider audience not spam your liker’s with unwanted offers.
I’ve had a few of those on the dark side too and I’ve politely replied that I wouldn’t be able to make use of what they were selling. I think it was something little girls hair grips or similar.
I would feel embarrassed to e mail someone who had liked something from my shop. I think it does look a bit desperate. It would put me off buying from someone.