Photo Quality pixelated on upload

Hey team,

I’m having some issues with my images, when i upload my photographs the quality diminishes and it becomes blurry- it looks terrible and i am not really sure why this is happening, i upload the same files across various different platforms and I don’t have this problem anywhere else. how do I tackle this?

Hi Phillippa. I’ve just had a look at one of your items (, then found the same item on your Facebook page. Maybe it’s my eyes, but the photos look the same to me? Fab photos they are too, & lovely prints! If you want to raise with support then you need to tag them in here or drop an email over to Hope that helps! :slight_smile:

Thanks for getting back to me Dee, I have just taken a screenshot of the same file, the one on facebook and the one uploaded onto folksy, so you can see the upload quality difference. Is there a reason why the upload quality on folksy is so bad and how do i remedy it? I am assuming the dpi allowance is very different? thank you

i will see if i can attach the images. . .

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do you think perhaps my files are too large? and this is why they are being compressed so much

Oh yes, I can see what you mean with them next to each other like that. Worried for my eyes lol, maybe I need another coffee!! Here’s one of mine from the listing first then from Facebook…

I can’t see any difference, can you? Just in case it’s my eyes again!! That image was taken in RAW, edited, resized to 2000px square, & saved as a jpeg - it’s 2.81MB. There’s some detail on the limits & sizing here:

If you think your images meet the requirements above then I think it would probably be something support need to look at, definitely reached the end of my technical knowlegde :rofl:

Oo actually I can see a difference with them next to each other like that - the listing photo is very slightly darker, but it’s not as obvious as with yours. Have had to close all the blinds - it’s too sunny for this laptop. Maybe it is a resizing / compression thing then. I’ve just taken a load more photos so I might have a play with the editing later. Definitely not my forte, & not what I’d imagined spending my time doing when starting up this business!

Hi Phillippa. When this happens it’s normally because the photo uploaded is too large so it gets compressed by our servers. Can you try uploading a smaller image (under 1MB) and see if that’s better? All images need to be at least 642 pixels wide though - there’s more information here

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ah this might be the issue, i checked the sizing and they are saved at 1.5MB, i will have a go at resizing them and fingers crossed they will retain the detail! thank you

haha! faffff

your images look great and there seems to be no difference in quality! all of my editing software is on my old computer, so i will try and figure this out without photoshop

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Aww, thank you! Not sure I understand with the sizing thing, as the listing page says max size is 4MB I think, & my image was 2.81MB? If it helps at all I use PhotoscapeX which is free Windows editing software & works for me for editing, resizing etc. Good luck! :slight_smile:

Hi everyone I have had the same problem mine are a bit better now after changing them from 642 x642 size to the 1000 x 1000 size as recommend by folksy they are still not perfect but definitely a bit better and my pictures also looked OK on other platforms such as Facebook, Instagram.
What is confusing is I have changed all my pictures to 1000 by 1000 and on my laptop it gives those dimensions for the photo but when i go on my shop page after loading new sizes and click on picture to save to laptop just to check resizing it still says 642 by 642 yet the picture I have uploaded is 1000 by 1000 so confused and it definitely looks better since changing. can anyone help. Thanks. x