Fading Photos

Is it just my imagination or are some of the photos in listings fading. I’ve noticed that one or two of my shop items lately seem to have photos that have faded. I’ve redone them when I’ve noticed and I may be wrong and I may have put the photos in myself but I really don’t think I have. Here’s an example of one.

Hi Martine
It may have to do with the image quality. The second photo is 122KB while the first photos is 401KB. Somehow they have been reduced, and significantly.

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That’s interesting, I’m in the process of redoing some of my older photos because they look rubbish - I know I have a better camera now, am better at it and therefore more fussy, but some of the old ones are looking positively blurry which I’m sure I wouldn’t have settled for. Or the thumbnails are blurry while the main image is fine. I wonder it there is an optimum image size which reduces well for the thumbnail? Because this is what people see initially.

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That’s what I mean though because I’m almost sure I used that image - I just rotated it to fit. I noticed it happening first about 6 weeks ago and thought I must be imagining it.

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It’s sort of happened again only not quite as bad - I’ve just listed this pumpkin coat and the photo I put on on the left looks more vibrant than the one that appeared on my page. But this is only happening with some of my listings, not all of them. Strange.

I wonder if the images have been compressed at some point when Folksy has upgraded servers…

Possibly when they upgraded the servers or when they introduced the new file sizes. Perhaps email Folksy support

I have noticed this too - it’s been happening for a short while now. I look at the Folksy front page and everything looks a bit washed out.

I just checked my own listings and can see a slight difference between the originals and the listings, but definitely not as faded as your examples.

What size are the photos you’re originally uploading? Images show on Folksy at 642 pixels wide, and sometimes I worry if I upload something much much bigger then it might need compressing more, reducing the quality.

I know when I’m resizing a 3500 pixel wide photo to 1000 pixels, it will need sharpening again and maybe a little extra brightening because it loses something with the resize (not as bad if it’s a small jump such as 1000 to 800 pixels). Because photos act like that on my own photo editing software, I expect it to be similar when Folksy resize our uploads for the listing page (although I haven’t checked).

If you know they used to show up fine on Folksy (not the originals before you uploaded, but what shows on the website) and something has since changed, then it could be to do with the changes recently done.

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Yes - this is definitely quite a recent thing. Some of the things had been in my shop for a while looking sharp and bright and then suddenly went pale. I don’t think it has anything to do with the pixels.

I’ve messaged Folksy to let them know.

That’s useful to know, 642 pixels, thank you!

Yes, you can upload bigger but definitely don’t upload smaller, or then Folksy will have to stretch the photo to fit, which will reduce the quality.

Mine are probably too big, resulting in me wondering whether it’s my ageing eyes at fault when I’ve uploaded what I thought were crystal clear pics and the thumbnails look fuzzy!

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Some of my photos have disappeared for some unknown reason

My photos are still fading, but the weird thing is that they seem to be fading over time. I’ve just put the original photos back onto 4 of my listings and they look fine, but after a few weeks, they look really faded. It’s very strange. This red coat went from the first picture to the second. I’ve now relished it and it now looks bright and cheerful again. I’ve messaged Folksy to see if they know why this is happening.

The second photo is more than half the size of the original… Let us know if you find out x

They look different photos to me unless it’s the resizing that makes the snowflakes appear in different places?

No - it’s the same photo - I just put it onto the background in a slightly different place.

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