Reaching maximum likes limit on forum!

Has anyone else had this message when trying to like posts on the forum? I liked a post this morning and then tried to like another one and got the message below! That’s a lot of hours I’ve got to wait before I can like anything else! Anyone else, or is it just me?!

You’ve reached the maximum number of likes today. Please wait 417483.0761024526 hours before trying again.


That’s a lot of hours to wait :wink:

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Lol - I can’t even like your reply Camilla! :laughing: Any idea what’s going on with this?

I’m really sorry, I have no idea at all. When that kind of thing happens, my first instinct is to log out and log back in again. That sometimes works. If not, let me know and I will flag it up to the Discourse team.

No, logging out and back in makes no difference. Could you flag it up for me please? Many thanks.

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Hi Helen. I’ve flagged it up for you. I’ll let you know what they say.

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Thanks Camilla.

I’m sorry, but I am having a right old giggle at your misfortune Helen!

I think 47 years to wait might be a bit excessive! Also what’s with the 10 place decimal point?! :joy::joy:


I’ve just managed to like that, Jessica!! :rofl: I’m on my phone now and the problem was happening on my laptop. I’ll have to try again on the laptop later and see if it works or whether I really have got to wait for the silly number to elapse! :rofl:


Can anyone work out exactly how many minutes that is in addition to the many many hours :slight_smile:


Don’t ask me - still count on my fingers! :joy:


Thanks for the giggle Helen :smile:

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Well it seems to be working ok again now. Thanks Camilla @folksycontent. I’m not sure whether it’s been fixed or just randomly corrected itself. I’m glad it gave people a chuckle anyway :joy::joy:


Totally my fault :grimacing: thanks for bearing with us, we did deploy a fix.