Thank You,Emily!
I will work more harder how my shop does look…I am a single mum ,so i have to get income from my hand craft some how…)))
Warm wishes-Lina
Thank You,Emily!
I will work more harder how my shop does look…I am a single mum ,so i have to get income from my hand craft some how…)))
Warm wishes-Lina
Hi Lina,
You have some lovely items in your shop. I noticed that you have a plus account , do you list your items regularly? because they do need to be on the first couple of pages to be getting noticed. Also could you add more items , I think you need at least a couple of pages for people to browse and it seems a waste of your plus account if you haven’t got a lot of stock to show. Just a thought - all the best.
Thank You,Dawn!
Yes,now i know that it was my mistake to sign under plus account… I just not very good in SEO ,and plus account did promise to drag more traffic…)))) I will end my plus in September and will not renew it anymore.
I will work on adding more items.
Thank You again,
best wishes-Lina
I agree - it is a shame that it is left to the sellers to promote Folksy though. I may be wrong but I have rarely seen general advertising for it. It would be nice if Folksy invested some of the fees it charges into promotion of the company.
I don’t recall ever seeing Folksy advertised anywhere other than seeing mentions of it inside craft magazines by sellers who advertise their items and own a Folksy Shop.
I do agree there should be more promotion on Folksy’s behalf but even if there was, you can’t rely solely on that. We need to go that extra mile too.
I feel the same as many of you. I am trying my best to promote my shop on twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest- you name it I’ve tried it! I was on Folksy a few years ago but gave up after I had only 2 sales- but I very rarely promoted my shop, so that was my fault.
This time round, however, I’m doing my absolute best! I upgraded to a plus account, but not sure that was the right move. I was hoping to gain a new audience by restarting on Folksy again, rather than just guide my already existing customers here but I think the only views I’m receiving are from other sellers. I’m starting to wonder that perhaps my items aren’t quite right for Folksy, or my photo’s aren’t up to scratch even though I’m constantly trying to improve them!
Good luck to everyone, I hope all your hardwork begins to pay off very soon!
I have always wished that Folksy did some promotion of the site. I know we all have to try to drive traffic to our shops, but Folksy is still not known outside of crafting circles, and I wish they did some general advertising in magazines like “Ideal Home” for instance or “Prima”. This would give Folksy as a whole more presence.
Sophie, you have a lovely shop, beautiful products, lovely bright photographs, so can’t understand why sales are slow for you.
Thank you so much for saying so @dawnsneesbyjewellery that’s so lovely of you. I think I’m feeling like a lot of others on here- it definitely makes you question your work! I will continue to do my best but I doubt I’ll be upgrading to a Folksy Plus account again. My animal hats are what I’m more known for to my likers, so perhaps it’ll pick up more towards winter when I list them on here… fingers crossed!
Have a lovely evening!
On the bright side, I’ve now had 2 sales this week from Folksy, after hardly anything for ages. Maybe things are looking up.
Good luck with your shop Sophie, your items are lovely!!
Congrats @SerendipityJewellerybyFinch, that’s great news! I really hope it’s the start of many more sales for you!
Thanks so much @tagpress! It’s nice to have positive feedback! Love your items by the way, have pinned you on my animal board (I pinned the polar bear tag), which I’ll submit to folksy when I have enough!
Will be visiting lots of other shops in this thread and pinning away, every little helps!
Thanks ever so much @SophiesHandmadeBabyBoutique
Good luck with your shop. x
Very welcome, good luck to you as well!
Thank you.
Hello, I’m wondering if any of you other lovely folksy sellers are able to give me some advice?! I’ve had no sales since March and am beginning to feel blue! I’m struggling to keep up the momentum on promotion and was wondering how anyone else does it? Teresa x
Hi Shirley,
Your necklaces are beautiful and intricate. Try not to feel down about your sales, there’s a lot of people in the same boat. While your waiting on sales, just keep creating! Sales come when you least expect them too. x
I agree with this Louise. At the markets when I tell people about me listing on Folksy they say they have never heard of it. Such a shame because there really are some lovely handmade goodies for sales by all the crafters x
@tagpress Thank you for having a little look at my shop, and I’m glad you liked the necklaces! Yep, I’ll keep my chin up and I’m sure a sale will come again soon… Thanks Kelly, Teresa at Shirley Rainbow x