Hi there,
Please help…I’m finding that when using a search engine like google, unless i search the exact name of an item in my Folksy shop, it doesn’t return any Folksy listings…let alone mine.
When you google, you tend to be specific but general! Folksy just doesnt ever appear in the returned results, while Etsy and Not on the high Street are always in the top listings.
Can anyone shed any light on why this is? My shop is quite new, but I’m hardly getting any views. I know I’ve got a lot of work to do to get my photos sharper and build my products up, but I don’t see how people will find me if Folksy itself doesn’t have a bigger online presence. Seriously thinking of opening my shop on Etsy…all feedback welcome 
Hi there.
I think you may need to add more to your descriptions so that they contain keywords. this may help with SEO.
The tags are for being found within folksy but keywords more vital for SEO.
You could also fill in the meet the maker section.
This post on the folksy blog may help:
And i also recommend taking part in #folksyhour on twitter - it’s every tuesday night at 8pm - topics such as SEO are frequently discussed.
I hope that this helps.
Best Dressed Dolly - hand made dolls clothes
I am finding the same problem as Johnstons.
I regularly change my descriptions in an effort to get Folksy & my items to appear in Google search but as you say, the big boys such as Ebay, Amazon & Etsy come up every time but not Folksy.
Christmas sales were very good for me the last 2 years but poor this year. Several are repeat sales so it’s good to know customers are coming back for more, but I need new ones as well & I feel that I’m losing prospective customers at the ‘search’ stage.
A lot of people I talk to don’t know that Folksy exists. Would like to see Folksy do some advertising to let the world or the UK at least, know we’re out there!
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Thanks for the feedback.
I have got involved in #folksyhour once before. Ready for tonight! 
I was just concerned that if a customer searches “red Christmas bunting” or even “Christmas bunting” there are no folksy shops that are returned , but Etsy, eBay and NOTHS ate in the top results.
I agree with Bestdresseddolly, maybe Folksy need to do more to be more competitive alongside Etsy etc…
Would be interested to hear from those with regular sakes how customers are being directed to your shop. Can you tell if it’s via FB, Twitter, within Folksy or a search engine etc… 
It really depends what you search for @JohnstonsHomeware - for a lot of results Folksy comes top, near top or on the first page of results.
To rank highly on Google you need as many links into a page as possible, so if you have more people sharing Folksy products and pages, and more blog features etc, you’ll rank more highly. You also need to match a search well, so sellers need to think carefully about which keywords to use in their product titles and descriptions and well as shop descriptions and collection names. If your page is a good match for a specific search, is on a reliable website and has lots of links in, you’ll rank more highly.
These blog posts might be useful