Social Media Options

Hello Folksy Family,

I am new to this platform and have not sold anything yet. I would like to know experience of other sellers on social media for advertising and creating interest.

What are sellers using and why?

Are they user friendly and easy to set up.

Many Thanks


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I know I’ve sold items because of my posts on social media. I use instagram (IG) mostly but also facebook (FB). I do use pinterest but think of it less as a social media and more of a visual search engine - photos on pinterest show up well in google image searches. IG and pinterest are easy to set up, facebook less so if you don’t already have a personal account (you need to link your business account to a personal account). I tried twitter and tiktok but didn’t get on with either of them so don’t use them.

Hi Sasha,

Thank you for your reply, I had a quick look at your Facebook account and your jewellery looks unique. I also enjoy jewellery making but not as creative.

Anyway so your Facebook page is listing photo of your jewellery with link to folksy?

I don’t think I have a business account I wanted to try for 6 to 12 months max and see how I get on. I was concerned I may not get sales, which seems to be the case so far. Do I need a business account?

Many Thanks


A business account is free and if you are running a shop you should have a business account rather than doing it through your personal account. A business account does give you some options that a personal page doesn’t have, I (some how) set up so that my Folksy shop gets duplicated over to my business FB page so that people can view what I have available and then click through to check out on Folksy. It also automatically updates FB when I update Folksy.

(Don’t get disheartened by a lack of sales, you’ve not picked a good time to set up a shop. At the moment a lot of people are experiencing a financial pinch with the increasing costs of gas/ electric/ petrol etc so are cutting back on non essentials. Many sellers have noticed a drop in sales as a lot of what we sell are non essentials.)


I agree with above a business page is a must. I post to Instagram and it automatically posts to Facebook so only have to do once. On a business page you can schedule posts as well.

Hallo and I do hope you enjoy Folksy. I occasionally post images of my work on Pinterest, with a link to my Folksy shop and simply say that my work is available on Folksy. I don’t use any other social media to support my Folksy shop and I am happy with my sales here - I also sell through a limited number of art galleries, and because my making methods are slow, I find that the volume of sales pretty much fits in with how much I can make at any one time. I have a hunch that Pinterest is used a lot by other artists and makers for inspiration and ideas, rather than by prospective customers, so if you are looking for volume sales you may find that the other social media platforms suit you better. I know a lot of makers here use social media extensively, as it suits their particular art/craft, but it’s not for everyone and it is possible to achieve sales without any social media presence at all.

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Thank you for great tips. I wanted to confirm business page you mean on Facebook?

Sorry I am a little confused!