Suggestions for our Gifts for Makers Gift Guide


We’re after items for this guide! Gifts for Makers

Please add your submissions below - just share the link to your item on Folksy

As always we’re after good product shots as well as suitable products!


A great little crafty kit for those new to cabling. Yarn , pom pom and instructions included

This is a long shot but it’s a bit of sewing themed wordplay.
Fellow crafters in the past have always had a giggle at my sewing and knitting term swear word replacements.

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These earrings and ring would suit someone who works with lace or macrame:

Useful in the craft room as well as around the home or travelling - a little needle book, sewing kit. Other designs available

I hope you like it! I wear mine all the time :slight_smile:

I have a few pin cushions and craft kits available. Here are a couple of examples:

I have five of these biscornu pincushions, all different

As well as these storage boxes, and what crafter doesn’t need storage?

A field mouse pin cushion from me.

Sarah x

I have these pendants cast from an antique buttons that might appeal to people who sew and dressmakers!

Love Sam x

I have a number of greetings cards featuring textile art, or this one for example:-

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Hi, my Crafter necklace fits the bill…! And everything else in my shop is ideal as a gift for knitters or crocheters :slight_smile:

i have pin cushions , made by a knitter for knitters (not exclusively, lol)

ideal for crafters this pre christmas time , christmas tree fairisle charts which can be used on a multitude of projects

Stylised silver cotton reels, popular with sewing peeps (sewers just looks wrong)

Crochet sets and craft bags

Lesley :smiley:

A fab gift for yourself or the crochet fan in your life! 12 original crochet patterns with a colour photo of the finished item, dates of events throughout the year that will be of interest to the yarn enthusiast and even video links for some of the stitches !

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These knitting needles and hand made to my specification by a local artisan wood turner. Fab for making giant blankets, rugs, scarves etc. Maybe you could give this link to father christmas …