I’ve just been checking how to log into the listings webinar and spotted this advertised - aren’t these the dates for the May Craft Drop @folksycontent ?
“### Folksy Summer Exhibition 2024
After our inaugural event last year, the Folksy Summer Exhibition is back for 2024! This online show is designed to celebrate the range and depth of art and craft on Folksy. This year we are also introducing our ‘Outstanding Piece Award’, with some very special prizes for the winner.
11th & 12th May 2024 (with a preview on Friday 10th May)“
That’s a shame Binny, I’m sure there would have been plenty of help on here. I couldn’t rename my images and contacted Folksy and they sorted it for me.
Deborah @coolforglass I’ve checked in the folksy local group and some people had their email end up in the promotions folder. So check the folders in your email as it should be there.
@JOYSofGLASS You work so hard and reap the rewards with your online sales. I sell at markets and word of mouth but not had a Folksy sale since February. Starting to think there is some kind of technical block.
The majority of my sales here on Folksy nowadays are repeat customers and a few others that I specifically direct here. Used to be 1 in 4 repeat to new customers but something happened a few years ago. Folksy visibility in the outside more modern technology big wide internet world out there no doubt. My sales are now far better on my other platform and on the 1 to 4 ratio I used to have here.
The only answer is to rely on your own promotion really, social media, wherever you can find it
I do less and less markets. My arthritis is fine for glassing but not for lugging heavy boxes and tables about and my lovely husband Bob is older than me and has to do all that for me… We declared an end to outdoor events several years ago (after losing the gazebo to a gale / two other really bad weather events). So it’s indoor and local or online for me.
I do a local market once a fortnight which is under cover in a train station. Good footfall and get some commissions too. I like meeting the customers. However, like you would not be able to do them without my partner who does all the heavy work for me. Thinks he likes it too although I have had to coach him to not stand like a bouncer scaring the customers away.
In the local captains group folksy said that everyone had been emailed but 3 had bounced so they are going to try contacting those people again. Check your junk/spam folder and your promotions folder if you have one as you should have had an email.
Well done everyone who got in.
I didnt even get a sorry you didn’t make it email lol!
I know priority is to contact those who are ‘in’, but it would be basic politeness to message those who aren’t included, just to say thanks for entering.
I wasn’t pinning any hopes on being included - my face doesn’t fit the Folksy image.
But my customers like my work, as my sales show, so that’s what really matters