Wanted one of these folding display stands

Can anyone tell me where to find one of these. I already have one. Bought from Ebay too long ago to identify where from. Brilliant for displaying both Fused (on the shelves) and stained glass (from the hooks we have screwed into the wood). We’ve added silver fablon covered wooden pieces as the shelves are just slatted and need them safer with fused glass on but the advantage is they refect the glass too.

So I have one but I really really would like another

Here is mine in use.


Caroline Thank you that is close… I really could do with the top being raised more so i can hang suncatchers on that bit too… xx
I might have to give Bob a project.for the week… his dad was a cabinet maker and he still has all his tools –

Good idea Joy, my FIL made mine and the stall surround which was a folding trellis in 2 sections, still have in the garage.

Remember they used to be sold at craft fairs by a chap that made them.

That looks like one of those wooden bathroom standing shelf that were sold at B&M or home bargains

Thanks Sue will check but pretty sure I got it from eBay as new

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Here you go Joy


Sadly Sue that one is from South Africa. Looks good though.

Sue that looks excellent. I will now use the word Bamboo instead of Wood in my search. Thanks ever to much :slight_smile:

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I’ve had to abandon my search for a stand like mine. Sure one will reappear on the web sometime and hopefully my many recent searches will mean google shows it to me when it does.

In the meantime I have ordered this :

I need something with a bit of height for the other side of my table and it will let me hang some more suncatchers and i can put my candle holders and fused pictures on there so alll good.
AND it will arrive on Thursday and i have a fair on Saturday which gives Bob time to get some hooks screwed into the bottom of the shelves for me to hang things from and to add some silver to the shelves to make them shiny…
Now where did i put the rest of that silver fablon ? Shall i assume it is lost and order more now ?