Light box problem solved?

We recently bought new (much bigger) bookcases for our bedroom and were left with an empty shelf on which I’ve been displaying my silk wedding bouquet, I recently got into book folding and upon completeing my first book put it ion this shelf then took a photo for my facebook page, I was pleasantly surprised when I looked at the photo & realised it looked almost like I’d used a light box :slight_smile: Take a look & see if you agree (or am I just deceiving myself!)

Hi Diane @HandmadeByDiane,
I don’t use facebook so I’m unable to see but I’m sure you did a super job!! Well done you! x

I do use facebook but when I clicked on the link I was told that I’m not allowed access to the page or the link has expired. I’m very intrigued though I’m always looking for light box alternatives.

Sorry about that, might be the privacy setting on the photo, I’ll go check x

I think it’s my settings but I’m using my phone at the moment and haven’t a clue how to share a new link so will go on the laptop later and sort it, just hope you think it’s worth the wait :slight_smile:

Thanks Diane @HandmadeByDiane x

I’ve made that post ‘public’ instead of ‘friends’ so hopefully it should be able to be seen :slight_smile:

That does work well doesn’t it. Slight shine on the shelf helps bounce light up to reduce the shadows at the bottom, big gap between the shelves means no shadow from the top shelf, you just have to remember what time of day you took the photo for future shooting sessions.

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Hi Diane @HandmadeByDiane
Your photo has turned out great! I agree with Sasha, remember the time you took the photo! :wink:
Thanks for going to all the trouble so we could have a peek! x

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About 11 this morning :slight_smile: I think it helps that the bookcase is across the room from a large window, but the sun was high enough to not be shining directly in.