Why am I not selling

I have Instagram, Facebook and folksy. People love my items, but I’m struggling to sell. Please can people give me pointers(politely) . I am not tech savey, suffer physically with fibro and cf. And I’m dyslexic, I pour so much time and energy in, but getting no results. I love my crafts but just don’t know where am going wrong with my selling features. I feel like giving up but want one more shot at it Ty.


Welcome. Fill out the about you section. People buy from people. Add sizes to your descriptions, how big are the fairy jar lights etc. Describe as if talking to someone who cannot see. Join in the forums, with the daily challenge you have to visit everyone else who joins in, click on the links and heart that item in the shop. Are you on the fab groups.

It took me about 3 months to make my first sale and things are tough out there atm.


Hallo and welcome. One thing you might try - as you have lots of different making talents - is to group your items into themed collections, which will then feature as a series of collections across the top of your shop front. It would give cohesion and interest to your shop. For instance you could group all your crochet items into a collection etc. If someone is only interested in crochet work, then they can click on that collection and see everything you have, in one place. Just a thought, and I would say like Caroline, give it time.


Thankyou. How do I make a collection pls?

Thankyou. I will draft an about me piece and get that filled out and add the other bits, sizes etc.

As has already been said, definitely make use of the collections. Your descriptions need to be far more detailed. Make use of all the tags (you can have 15) and use short phrases that people would use to search your items. Some of your items sate 100% Acrylic wool - this is misleading, it’s either 100% Acrylic, 100% wool or a mix of both where you add relevant percentages (ie 80% acrylic, 20% wool)
Also add more listings if you can. I know that can be disheartening when you’re not selling but if you walked into a shop that just had a hand full of items for sale you would walk out. Good luck :crossed_fingers:


Hi Ya,

The option for collections is under Shop Settings on your dashboard. Just create a collection at the top of the page. Once you have a list of collections you can edit an item & add to a collection (underneath the tags section I think!).

Good Luck :crossed_fingers:

Cheers Lou

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Thankyou. I have done that now. Looks much better already.


Yes I like it too! Hope it works well for you.

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People are not buying much at the moment, probably due to all the problems we’re all experiences. I haven’t sold anything since last November. Let’s hope things improve for all of us!

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Could I suggest two things which immediately hit me when I looked at your shop

  1. Your photos could be so much better. Some of the garments look as if they are a bit creased and they would all be so much more appealing on a clear light background. The things you make are lovely. There’s a white with blue cardi which is a delight but… leading to point
  2. Your prices are far too low. You are underselling yourself. That cardigan would be far better priced at at least double and would give a value to your work which is missing when you have things so cheaply priced.

I Am selling same as usual. People will Always buy if they see something they want. Not everyone is struggling as hard as the press would have you believe.


Thank you so much for your feedback, I will take that on board. I will ask my daughter to re-photo some of the garments and I’ll increase the prices. Again, thank you.


I agree with @JOYSofGLASS re the price of your blue and white cardigan. If you think, £15 isn’t even two hours minimum wage never mind the cost of yarn and buttons on top. As knitters we will never earn a proper hourly wage but that needs to be at least £30 for the amount of work involved. My sales are a bit slow at the moment but I do sell and my prices are more than double some of the prices I see for similar items.

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@BabyKnitsbyGrandma I LOVE your Nordic jumpers, hats and cardi’s, they must take hours to knit! I definitely agree with @Knittingtopia!

:yarn: xxx :yarn:

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Thank you, I agree that we can’t charge per hour, but. I have just put my prices up a bit, maybe not enough, but I will see how it goes.


Thank you. I love knitting Nordic styles, each pattern is an adventure!

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Hi Glad you are getting sorted. Re your photos, just realised one problem and that is that your photos are not square which means bits get chopped off. Always use square on Folksy if you can so the entire image can be seen in one go. xx

Thank you for your help, I will speak to my daughter as she is the one who sorts out the photos. I have no idea how to do it! Thank you to all who have replied and left advice and suggestions.



Hi there I totally feel your frustration :unamused: I was on Folksy a few years ago then decided not to bother but have recently come back as I have so many items and it’s really not my thing to sit on a stall all day I have good comments about the items I make and lots of likes but never actually make a sale so I am beginning to wonder why I have bothered again I love crafting and am not going to stop so not quite sure where I go from here…I know my pictures need changing and I am going to get that sorted, I have IG & Pin but it don’t make any difference :woman_shrugging: I hope sales improve for you your things are lovely good luck xx

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I’m the same. Tried everything changed pictures and wording but it’s not helped. Instagram and Facebook people love my items. I get comments etc. But not selling, so frustrating but hey ho.