Why are so few people using Craftjuice now?

There used to be a popular Craftjuice thread but now very few people take part. I know there was a thread a while ago where some people were speculating that Craftjuice wasn’t functioning any more. I sometimes find an item of mine in Google images that has come via Craftjuice, so I would like to keep posting just in case (I wouldn’t want to pass up an opportunity of getting my shop “out there”) Would anyone else like to rejoin the Craftjuice thread?

I think it went very quiet over the summer - didn’t seem like craft juice itself was very active but seems to be going again now. I used to take part in the thread but stopped when nothing seemed to be happening and just haven’t got around to doing it again. I was only thinking this morning that I need to get back into the habit of posting there again but I just keep forgetting. Think I need to make myself a list of what and where to promote and stick to it as my promotion is a bit haphazard at the moment!

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Yep it did go a bit quite, I think Craftjuice was having a techie problem but that was for about 2weeks.

Now it’s all working great again but I think people sort of got out of the habit of remembering to use it.

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I have to admit that I don’t use it as much as I used to, and my sales have plummeted, maybe I should get back to using it!
I understand its good to write original descriptions where ever you post but I think that put me off using it. I must get back to it, as has already bee said, its a way to get our items seen.

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In alhonesty I just keep forgetting to use it.
Think I have to set a reminder to post on other. Ops

I can’t be bothered writing different descriptions to be honest. It’s difficult enough at times to come up with one never mind two to describe the same item.

I just leave my descriptions as they are on Folksy with a bit of adjustment, but try to put in another title. Craftjuice is another tool for promotion, whether it works or not I’m not sure. But as usual we all need at least 5 votes to be “submitted”. So even if you don’t add something yourself, please sign in and vote for others, When I was having a “rest” from crafting I still voted, it only takes a few minutes. Marg.

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I know the item’s supposed to get tweeted when it has 5 votes, but you really have to have votes to get picked up by Google, though? I just Googled 10th Wedding Anniversary pewter gifts and my dragon cufflinks came up on Images though I only put them on Craftjuice a couple of days ago (though they do have 6 votes). It’s not compulsory to change your description, it just improves your chances of getting picked up in searches. I’ve noticed in searches that some things are getting picked up from the Folksy Forum threads as well. Perhaps I’m so keen on Craftjuice because I’m so useless at other social media!

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@Knittingtopia You don’t have to write the whole description. I simply change a line or two, replace af few words.

You only need to have 200 characters which will be far less than what you put in your description on folksy. Don’t forget full stops and space count in that 200 Characters as well.

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I’ve completely got out of the habit of using Craft Juice. It was quite a useful promotion site to use as well. I think it’s as things have slowed for me on here, I just don’t remember to put things on then post in the forum for the votes. No point in doing it from other sites because you can’t rely on random votes.

I tend to just do a brief description on craft juice - if someone wants to click through they will see the full description when they get to Folksy anyway.

I was putting items on Craftjuice a couple of times a week, but then they had some technical problems with pictures going onto facebook. Since I didn’t want my stuff going out with somebody else’s photo on it I stopped using it.

I’m sure it’s all fixed now, but once something drops out of your routine it takes quite a kick to start up again.

I haven’t used Craftjuice for more than a year. I did like seeing other people’s makes but I can’t say it improved my likes or sales. With all the different places you can post to you end up doing more posting than crafting.

As I’ve said before, I’ve found my items on Google Images coming from Craftjuice and Folksy (less often Etsy). I don’t post much elsewhere so I figure I’ll at least give it a go. Good to see a few people have come back to the Craftjuice thread now. I must admit I dropped out for a while but since I started again my views have risen (and I’ve had a few sales) although that may be down to other factors…

As Christine @coatimundi says, CJ is without doubt the best way to appear in Google images (once you’ve got 5 votes, that is), so I was really surprised to come back to Folksy after a 3-year absence and find the Craftjuice thread so underused. It’s a very valuable (and free!) advertising medium, so you really should give it a go if you haven’t already. :smile:


I used to love using Craftjuice. I too left it a while due to their technical issues, but I totally forgot all about it to be honest.
I might try again. :0)



I don’t understand it.

Nykie, @GreenBeansandGinPapercuts. Basically craft juice is a place to post your items which other members of craft juice can view and “vote on” (effectively like the item). When the item has 5 votes it is then shared by craft juice on Facebook and I think twitter which can increase your audience. Apparently being on craft juice also increases your chance of being found in google searches too. It is free and not too time consuming so is worth a try.


So you just post a link to your item in the Craftjuice thread, then vote for others? I looked at the thread yesterday and the first link wouldn’t work.

Nykie@greenbeans and Gin papcuts

Sorry about that it was my mistake this is the correct link to craftjuice


You do need to sign up to craftjuice to use it. It can take a couple of weeks for them to set you up.

When you’re set up on Craftjuice you hit submit and copy the url from your item and paste it into the box then you just follow the instructions.

Theb when your get to the end of the instructions you click on the title of your item now on craftjuice and then go to the top of the craftjuice page and copy the url to your item on Craftjuice and paste it into the Craftjuce thread on here.

Then we will click on your link which will take us to your item on craftjuice where we’ll vote for you item.

You do the same by clicking on the links in each individual post on the craftjuice thread and vote for the our items.

Hope that helps