Yey i've hit 50 sales in my shop Get 25% Discount today only

I was hoping to hit 50 sales in the last few days before Christmas but it didn’t happen, now finally i’ve hit that lovely number, I know it not huge but was something to aim for, not like some fab sellers reaching for 1000’s :smiley:
So to celebrate getting there i have added a discount code ROUND25 and this will get you 25% of anything you see (not custom orders) for today only :smile:
Now i’m aiming for the big 100
So do pop along and see if you can take advantage, you never know there may be that something special cheaper than you thought :smile:


Well done jax @JacquelineOJewellery

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Thank you Dawn :slight_smile: x

Your very welcome. Fingers crossed you hit 100 quicker.
I’m only 2 sales away from 50 so fingers crossed.

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Yey! you will get there quickly Dawn bet you manage it and overtake me before the week is out :smiley: x

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Congratulations and well done.

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I.don’t think I’ll be over taking you bit thank you
I think people don’t like sales as I don’t ever sell anything when I do a discount. Might end my sale :-/
Hope you get afew more sales today :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s great. Well done!

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Well done x

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Congratulations! :slight_smile:

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Thank you @dawnsneesbyjewellery @phoenixprojects @jenniesgems @PocketfulCreations @dikeeblebeadsandjewellery
I don’t usually get any sales either during sales, strange how that works isnt it dawn @hobbitgirlie1880

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Well done! I see you have another sale! Well on your way to 100.

Congratulations Jacqueline


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Congratulations, hope there are lots more :slight_smile:

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Thank you Jacqueline @JAustenJewelleryDesign yes the lovely Roz bought some Earrings taking advantage of the 25% off, think thats the first time someones bought off me in a sale :smiley:

Thank you @Take2Bottles love the way you have used the bottles :smile:

Well done Jax, I just love my earrings that I have of yours that I did as a Christmas swap with you.
Lynn x


Well done @JacquelineOJewellery. Getting sales in January is really good going.

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Hi Lynn @erkinwald , thank you i’m glad you still love them still loving my swap too :slight_smile: x

Thank you Tammy @TandMArtsandCrafts you have beautiful products x

Well done, here’s to many more! :smile:

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Thank you Tina @DaisyWings :slight_smile: x