That’s really good!
Used it this morning, it looks so much more professional than using my own wording! Excellent, thank you
Elaine - Shorestitch
Thank you @folksycontent I have just tried this and made 3 collections. Will see how it goes.
This is a great new feature, Thank you for adding this😊
Fantastic idea, my whole shop is now 50% OFF
Great feature thanks Folksy team, already using it
Hi All
I started adding my sales items within minutes of this feature starting and I have already made one sale by using it. It’s good potential customers can see the percentage savings too.
Thanks so much. Looks more professional than us all trying to market our wording to catch people’s eye on each listing.
I think a sales section on the front home page would be a good idea rather than customers trolling through individual shops for sale items; perhaps to replace 'stand with Ukraine ’ until after Christmas. Many sellers have had a drastic reduction in sales recently and a home page sale section will produce Christmas sales as people start to look for ideas with a very limited amount of money to spend this year!!
Demelza Designs