I have tried several times to get the new sales and discounts feature to work for individual items and have religiously followed the instructions in the blog, but it just does not work and keeps reverting my items to their original price and not showing any discount. Would appreciate some help with this - is anyone else having issues?
Sorry I can’t help you as mine works ok. It might be worth contacting Folksy support? They would probably be able to offer some suggestions.
Make sure you keep the original price in the price box, and put what price you’d like the sale price to be in the second box (but do not click “clear sale price”).
There shouldn’t be too much that can go wrong there, but if you’re having issues, it might help to let support know which item you’re trying to edit, and send a screenshot of what you’re entering and if you get any error messages.
Thank you for your suggestions and I have kept the original price on when trying to add the sale price, yet it just doesn’t save the new price when I click update. This is definitely a job for Folksy support!