Hi Everyone Happy Sunday 
I hope everyone is well
I am Just asking for a little advice please Re my shop, some of U have already had a look around & helped me already but despite me Twittering, Pin-ing, IG-ing I’ve not had any sales yet 
Do you think my pricing is too high…?
& I’d appreciate some comments on my dolls
Anything that may help
Thanks so much xx 
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I think your dolls are lovely. ATM things are quiet on the selling front and some people are not yet back at work, if they have jobs to go back to.
How much promotion do you do on social media. I spend about 3 hours a day on and off.
Hi Caroline thank U 4 your reply 
I don’t spend that long on It but I am always on n off trying 2 think of key words people might use in searches & adding 2 IG etc
I have boards on Pin which I pin my listings 2 but neva sure if I am using it correctly I always share my listings on Twitter 2
I don’t think your prices are too high - a lot of time goes into making those dolls and the price should reflect that. I think that the dolls are a more niche item compared to some of the other needle felted sculptures out there and as a result it will take more time to find the people who appreciate them.
I see you still only have an Instagram link on your shop front… why don’t you put your Twitter and Pinterest ones there too ?
Also a suggestion… your trolls are lovely and understandably high priced… is there anything you could also make as ‘tasters’ … mini versions that you could sell at a much cheaper price to get some customers in and your reviews etc started.
If you don’t mind a little observation… but why do you use numbers like 4 instead of the word ‘for’. I find it quite ‘distracting’ and almost as if you can’t take the time to write those extra little letters. If you did that in an email to me I would not like it. Just saying, maybe my age but attention to detail means a lot… xxxx
Joy is correct cheaper items would be good as to pay a large amount for something unseen is a considered purchase. One thing I was told with craft fairs and online is to have a showcase piece that you may never sell, this catches customers attention. They may not be able to afford it but more often than not will buy something cheaper from you and you never know may come back later for a larger purchase.
Hi Joy
Thanks for your advice and comments 
I am intending to try and do some smaller dolls which will hopefully appeal to people and be more affordable
Regarding my lazy words
I’m afraid that is down to too much txting! and shortening words
I take note though of your point
Hi Caroline
Thank you for your reply
I am intending on making some smaller dolls which will be more affordable 
Hi Joy
I forgot to mention…
The reason I don’t tend to put my Pin & Twitter links on are because
On Pin I have boards which are not related to my crafts and on Twitter the same, I have other non related things on there but with IG it is purely just used for my Trolls xx
Hi Michelle, I am no expert but do you think more tags would help i.e. Unusual Gift, Adult Art Doll, Ornamental Doll, Troll Doll, Gift for a Teenager (as some like unusual things). Good luck and I hope you get sales soon.
Yes thank you I will give that a try xx
hi Michelle
I also have non glass boards on Pinterest and I have boards for Folksy and for my other shop… I have the shopping platform as a prefix to the board names … On IG and FB I make a point of posting quite frequently things which are totally non glass related. My latest FB post is an album of flower pictures from my garden. On IG yesterday I posted a video of my poppy blowing in the wind… my followers generally increase as a result of posts like that rather than continually bombarding them with glass glass and more glass.
Ok thank you
I will look at adding it xx
Thanks for your help
Thank you to everyone for your help
Have you got a separate account on Pinterest for your shop? I also tend to Pin personal items that are unrelated to the Shop bits so I have a personal account under my own name for personal bits and a separate business account to Pin more craft & shop related bits to. I don’t use twitter so I don’t know if you can do the same with that!
Cheers Lou
No I just have the one account with everything on x