Help! advice if possible

Hello! i am looking for advice…i have left my shop rather neglected over the last few months…i would seriously like to give it a boost even generate some sales if possible…i have put more stock in and there is some more to come :slight_smile: i have promoted myself on Facebook via my page…am i doing everything right do you think?? any advice gratefully received…x

I would suggest maybe using twitter, pintrest and stumble upon too which will all add to promoting your shop. The trick with sales on Folksy (which I haven’t mastered myself yet) does seem to be putting yourself out there and shouting about your products.

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Hi Louise…i have done all that…i shall shout from the roof tops then :wink: and thank you for your response


Hi Debi, I can see that you’ve taken some care over your photos and listings, but I’m not sure it’s really working. The photos are bright, clear and well-staged, but I still can’t really see some of the pieces - perhaps you need to show some of them being worn, or maybe simplify the background a bit. I find the white background isn’t really making your pieces stand out very well, as many are quite light in colour.
The descriptions give all the details, but do not always include the obvious. One listing, for a pendant necklace, doesn’t include the word ‘necklace’ anywhere in either the title or description. Think about what a buyer would type into the search bar if they were looking for something similar, and use those words in the title and in the description. Most buyers don’t use detailed search terms, they generally use fairly generic terms.
Fill in your ‘meet the maker’ page with a couple of paragraphs about you and your work - it gives buyers confidence and encourages them to buy. They aren’t just buying your work, they’re buying into your story too.
Remember that jewellery is the most competitive product to sell - your work is unusual so you just need to show it really well and promote it everywhere. Good luck.


Very pretty shop @FairyWillowCottage - I second everything that Christine has mentioned and hope that the sales will be coming your way soon.

Elaine x

Thank you Christine…i appreciate all you have said and will take it onboard…i am just getting to grips with folksy itself and yes i realise my pictures need redoing…i am slowly getting round to doing that…and thank you

Thank you Elaine