Adding a "shop now" link to folksy shop on instagram

Hi all, everyone was so helpful last time so I’m going to pick your brains again! Does anyone know if it’s possible to do a direct link from an instagram post to the item in your folksy shop? Or is it only folksy hq that can do that from their posts?
I’ve got the link to my folksy shop in my bio and use the “findmeonfolksy” hashtag but wanted a direct link to the specific item from my photo. Thanks, Jayne.

No unfortunately that’s not something that can be done. You can do it in Instagram stories though.

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You can only do it if the item is currently in the Folksy Favourites list and also if they are running ads… as that way their Favourites (currently or at least last week when I looked) are in the MEta catalogue and taggable. No other way on Folksy. Sorry…

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That’s really useful to know, thank you! I never knew that you could do all of those things with the sticker button. I’m still experimenting with what seems to generate the most views and engagement for on instagram. I’m definitely going to give that a try.x

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That’s interesting to know, I did have an item that was in the favourites list but it was a while ago now so I’m not sure that it is any more. I’ll check and will now know how to promote any future items more effectively. Thank you!

Check it by making a test IG post and try to add it as a product-- you will need to select Folksy and then start to type the title.

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My reply here could potentially be helpful but I can’t actually remember how I did it! lol

On the little button under your profile name on Instagram (Story highlights)I managed to add a highlight that I titled “Shop here” I chose a Folksy graphic and added a link to my shop (I think I used a link sticker and renamed it to The link gives people the option to click an external link to my folksy shop.

I think I basically created it in stories and saved it as a highlight.

There’s a little graphic and a clicky finger animation saying shop here that you can’t see in my still photos.

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You can put that link to be that of the specific listing you are storying about…

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I know but I wanted to make a permanent link to my Folksy shop in general.
It stays on the highlights tab and acts as a shop button. It hasn’t generated that many clicks though and its been there since July!
I get more clicks through my linktree.

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That looks very clever! I’ll take a look at your page. I’ve managed to do a quick direct link from stories so that’s progress for now. Thanks for sharing.x

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According to Folksy stats I get very little traffic from IG and I do now and always have had a link to my shop there.

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These are my visits over the last 7 days (I’ve droped out of the daily listing club for this month, so that’s less visits than usual from Folksy)
So, the linktree visits are from Instagram and the Instagram visits may be from the “shop here” button I guess!


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It was great when Instagram would let us directly tag products from your Folksy shop in an Instagram post…happy times :grin:


I have zero IG or my Linnktree but a number from Pinterest which are generally wasted as they come from old listing links…which just show as out of stock / unavailable.
My view is that Pinterest adds nothing of any value…