Anyone ever done a who stole my image search?

I’ve found in firefox it’s very easy just click on your produce image and click who stole my image.

It’ll show you lots of links of your photo and were that photo is. This way you can see if anyone is stealing your images.

It’s an excellent tool. I also used it as a test on someone else’s image an low and behold I found their so called handmade item was in fact a mass produced item.

Same item but sold by hundreds of different sellers all over the net all with their own photo’s, with different backgrounds and different props. I won’t call the seller out though on the forum.

But the best thing is if someone is using your images you can them send them a cease and desist noticafication to remove your image :smile:


Thank you for this! Very Interesting! Mx

I’m just downloading firefox to have a go at this :slight_smile:

I did find someone using one of my image’s to sell one of my headbands on ebay months ago and I forgot to mention it.

I contacted ebay and they removed my image.

I’ve no idea what the person would have sent had someone bid on it as the yarns I used for that particular items where a mix of recycled and vintage yarn ie one strand of each used together to get my mottled effect.

They’d stolen the image from a forum I’d done a ‘How To Tutorial’ on and they’d used my finale finished item photo.

It was an item I made for my friend at church.

I’ve just found my red and white cross stitch Christmas decorations image used as an advatar by someone on a Russian craft forum I’m not a happy bunny

I doubt my items would be worth stealing the images for but this would be very interesting to try out. Makes me curious about a lot of things that are sold as handmade.

There is a similar option on google, right click on your image and click “search google for this image” it will bring up that image if its been used elsewhere. Rachel


This is a really useful tool. I once found my shop name and full logo being used by another jewellery seller (not in UK). They had just taken it directly from my website along with some of the text about my business and were using it as their own.
All sorted now though I’m happy to say.

Oh my goodness, that’s quite a Pandora’s Box. Mine are in flickr galleries, pinterest boards, (which I am quite happy about if they give a link to my website), and also in blog articles with no attribution and as an avatar (which I am not so pleased with!). That’s only checking a handful of images…

Never knew anything like this was online.
Really sad that people use and abuse peoples photos and even shop names.

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I just did this (thanks for the heads up @EileensCraftStudio!). No-one has copied mine that I can see, just a couple of my ducks pinned on Pinterest by the author of a bird making book I used, to learn how to make my own patterns. She was promoting me, which was very nice of her :smile:

I think I may be doing something wrong here. I’m using the Google tool that @Glehcar mentioned - have clicked on “search google for this image” having used an image from my Folksy shop but only Folksy links are coming up (even though I have the same image in my Etsy shop). If I google the actual item and find it in Google images (it links to Etsy), and do the same thing again only Etsy links come up. Why is this? Should I be using images from somewhere else?


I found the google one fairly ineffective too Elaine.

It showed images closest to mine were hubcaps and motor bikes . lol


Oops sorry chaps, :frowning:


I tryed it too
I am guessing if nothing turns up then its a good thing as it hasn’t been used else where?

Yeah, basically! It’s a good thing if nothing comes up except your own shop references.

You don’t want to end up going down the Alibaba wormhole … that’s a real drag.

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Try using watermarks on your images. That at least makes the image more difficult to copy as someone else’s.

it’s not fullproof as there’s simple software to remove them and if you put them on a corner or edge they just cut them off. If you have one over the main image potential customers don’t like that as they can’t see your item so easily.

Some of these image stealers will even after removing your watermark will add their own watermark grrrrrr :frowning:

oh yes I’ve been reading up about that site and don’t forgot to add Dwanda either and ebay. ugg

Hmmm, I just found an image of my 2015 Wall Calendar on a dubious website. It has a disclaimer saying

‘All images found here are believed to be in the “public domain”. We do not intend to infringe any legitimate intellectual right, artistic rights or copyright. All of the images displayed are of unknown origin.’

I really don’t know what the point of their website is as they don’t have my calendar for sale and no link to where people can buy it. I have sent them a message.