Hi, all! I’ve just opened a second shop (for supplies). As per the title, a photo that I don’t want in my second listing (which is a ‘copy’ of the first listing, ie. a time-saver) simply will not delete. I’ve tried absolutely everything - logging out, clearing History, rebooting my device, and logging back in. I’ve also tried listing and then editing the listing, but still no joy. All the unwanted photos bar this one deleted without problem - it’s just this pesky one. So is it me, or is it Folksy…?!?
You can’t delete the first photo - you need to add a photo for the new item, reposition the new photo to the first slot (drag and drop) and then you should be able to delete the original photo which is now in the second photo slot.
If I remember rightly, you usually get a message that comes up when you try to delete the first photo, which tells you what Sasha just said. Maybe the message isn’t coming up due to a glitch, but it certainly usually appears and if you follow Sasha’s instructions the photo should disappear.
Yes, I did that straight away, but it didn’t work, which is why I’m here on the forums (using the correct account this time, the one I thought I was using earlier). It looks like I will have to delete the listing and start over, meaning I’ve lost one of my three free listings. Not the end of the world, obviously, but it’s put me off coming back to Folksy yet again.