I’m having slight trouble with photos - I LOVE that we can upload multiple ones and there are no more crashes, by the way, that’s saved me so much time! - most of my items are one-offs so I tend to copy listings rather than just renewing them, and when I do I change the photos, or most of the photos. I can live with not being able to delete all the old photos before I upload new ones BUT it is driving me mad that every. single. time. I delete a photo I get a little blue prompt about when this takes effect, which means I have to click on the prompt to get rid of it, attempt to delete the next photo, click on the prompt, which is not in the same place as the photos so I have to mouse over to it… that’s a lot of extra mousing and clicking for someone with an arthritic thumb by the way, ideally I’d like to be able to click the ‘X’ on the first photo and just keep clicking in the same place until they all go away… and to add insult to injury when I delete the second photo the prompt box has a box to click for ‘don’t allow Folksy to prompt me again’ but when I click on it I then can’t delete any more photos. At all. (Although to be fair that does mean I don’t see the prompt box again either, but I don’t think this is quite what the developers were aiming for?) I have to preview the listing, click ‘edit’ and then delete the remaining old photos. I then go to edit another item and the blue prompt reappears anyway.
Long winded way of saying PLEASE make the box on the prompt do what it says and turn the prompt off permanently so that I can edit my photos with half the number of clicks! Or at least make the prompt pop up so the click box is in the same place on the screen as the ‘delete’ button on the photos.
Screenshot attached so you can see what I’m talking about: (ETA: this is why I still mostly only have 2 or 3 photos per listing)
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