So many times I feel no enthusiasm for creating, the ideas have dried up and cannot be bothered. The downtime is good to start with then begins to fill with self doubts about my abilities etc.
Sound familiar? Today got my usual Stampington email and this article stood out to me. Must admit when I get into the flow can continue to produce and nothing else enters my mind but not a constant.
Thanks for this - my biggest problem is distractions, I find it really hard to focus on getting into a creative state when there’s a whole list of other things I feel I should be doing instead! I’ve found that the only way for me is to schedule ‘shed time’ so I know I have a couple of hours when I can go out into the shed, shut the door, make a mess and just explore techniques. Those couple of hours just whizz by even if there’s not much evidence of anything having been created by the end
It’s distractions that are my problem, I was just about to list a couple of hand made books, then I thought I would pop into the forum…so here I am instead of listing
I get distractions, with DH home always wants coffee, lunch etc at set times. Could get him to do his own lunch but want a kitchen left to use. Gadgets and he do not mix. He set fire to a sausage roll at work once, lol.
My main problem is finding the flow and keeping it. This morning have done well. It have not completed other things as trying to find the lace, which I know I have. Not going to buy more plus No buy March!
Thanks for sharing this interesting article Caroline. I can get so carried away when I’m in the creative zone - I’ve been known to start work in the morning and suddenly wonder why it’s getting so dark - I’ve worked for 8 hours straight and it seems like 30 minutes. On the other hand sometimes I just feel completely out of creative ideas and then it’s time to step away and do something non creative - a ratch round charity shops or some routine repair work or gardening usually helps.