Do camera shops still develop slides?

There’s something magical about old slides, and I have a few from the '60s that I would love to get converted to prints.
I was wondering if anyone has had any converted, and whether camera shops still do it?

Sarah x

Not sure why but when I was young and got my first camera my Dad insisted I always used slide film rather than prints - think it was cheaper. If there was a particularly good picture I wanted as a print I would get it printed up and generally they came out OK I think although I don’t think we expected quite such good quality from our photographs in those days! Not sure where you would get it done but I’m sure anywhere that still prints from 35mm film would be able to do it - maybe even somewhere like Boots might be worth asking.

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I’ve just converted this one with the hold-the-slide-in-one-hand-and-take-a-one-handed-photo method :smile:
However, it only works on the sharper ones.

Love old slides!

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I think places like snappy snaps convert old cine film into cd’s so it may be worth asking them if they do what your asking for.

I managed to get a mini hand held slide light projector from a charity shop last year, it was great seeing images fo me and my bor as kids and parents with dark hair.

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My Dad has a gadget where you put your slide in and upload it to your pc which can then be printed. I knew he had some slides of me as a kid that I hadn’t seen for years and my hubs had never seen them so he put them all on disc for me. I’m seeing him later today so i’ll ask him what it is (i’ll try my best to remember anyway!)

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This is what my Dad has got

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Some regular office scanners have a slide-scanning facility - my last scanner did (not an expensive one), though I suspect it’s something that’s becoming more and more rare. I haven’t looked into it recently.

ETA: Just found this article which is quite interesting!

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Thank you so much for all the replies.
I like the idea of a scanner with a slide attachment.
There is something rather wonderful about old slides, but practically I’d like to print some off.

Sarah x

I used to process my own colour slides some years ago, and even made prints from them, and did a couple of weddings. The chemicals were so volatile you had to add a powder neutraliser to one of the bleach- baths to avoid your house drain joints being dissolved away !

There are specialist shops that can process and print slides of various sizes out there. ‘Amateur Photographer’ sometimes lists them near the back.

You can also still buy chemical kits to process them, but the temperature control needs to be super-accurate.

I use a specialist high-resolution Epson film/slide scanner which is no longer made, but as stated elsewhere, some A4 makes of scanners can also scan slides down to 35mm. Canon, Epson, and Hewlett Packard are names you need to look at. You need illumination in part of the scanner lid for this to work.
Some also have a dust-removal- software added which can work and save you time in removing spots. But cleanliness in preparing the slide for the scanner is always worth it.
I once sent off some important slides for processing and they were lost, - they had pictures of my partner’s late parents, irreplaceable. Luckily had made a couple of prints from another roll of slides, before sent away.

Slides/transparencies tend to have a lot more contrast in the image as compared with normal film. That can be tweaked with Photoshop Elements or similar software to a degree, otherwise the printed image can be sometimes harsh. 120- 6 x 6 cm sized slides and 645 6cm x 4.5cm and 6 x 7cm slides were used by professionals, and can have stunning results. I have tried them, and amazed at the results, but digital has largely taken over for convenience.

Well done for considering older technology. Slides scanned to a computer can be very effective and have sold quite a few images myself from printed slides.

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Thank you so much for such an informative supply…I’m still wallowing in nostalgia with my box of slides!

Sarah x