…all of a sudden realise you are selling something that you sold a few months back and its a one of a kind therefore you couldn’t make/sell it again if you tried.
I just realised I had something listed for the past month which sold in May. The sense of panic and stupidity that accompanied the realistation was crazy.
No, I haven’t, but I am paranoid when relisting an expired item as it would be so easy to do! It would be bound to be something you couldn’t remake too.
Yes I’ve done that a couple of times, usually when I’ve been to a craft fair and sold it there and forgotten to take it out of my shop (luckily I’ve not had anyone buy it before I’d realised) I also had the same card listed twice in my shop a couple of months ago, not sure if that was a folksy glitch or me duplicating a listing.
I nearly re listed some buttons as they showed I’d not sold them. I was just about to hit relist when something at the back of my mind stop me.
Good job to because after I checked my stock they were gone then I remembered I sold them to a friend who came by needing buttons and knew I had a large stash of buttons. She’d bought that set and a loads more from my stash that’s not yet in my shop. The set in my shop where the last of that set of buttons so I couldn’t simply replace them.
My friend doesn’t do internet buying but knows I have a vast stock of crafting supplies so will often pop by to ramage through my boxes for ribbons, lace, buttons and card as she makes cards.
Yes I did it with a primitive teddy once. I made a similar one in record time- they usually take about 3 or 4 days because of the tea dying . Nightmare.
I have done it ,…sort of in reverse…seen an item was about to delist and spent ages hunting for it…only to realise that it had sold weeks before…
I did ask admin if they could only show delisting items that were still available…but nothing changed…
I have hundreds of aceos in boxes so it sometimes takes time going through them all, even though they are all catalogued and numbered…I regularly try to do stock taking.
Yes and sold it, when I was new I relisted a sold item and resold it. I was so upset at myself and felt that I had let myself and the potential customer down.
I’ve done it, more than once. I think what I have done is sold an item and so it shows as out of stock, but then eventually it shows as expired and then I’ve re-listed without even thinking to check. I keep a closer eye on all the sections now.
I’m so glad I’ve seen this thread just now! I’ve been away for a few days and my shop has been closed. While I was away my cousin contacted me and asked to buy a couple of my cushions that I’d posted on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. I re-opened my shop this afternoon and then started catching up with the forum news. I’ve just spotted this thread and it’s reminded me that I haven’t removed the cushions from sale in my shop!