Sometimes my sold items appear in the bit for relisting which is very annoying as my items are all one off’s expect of course for my Knitting patterns.
The reason I realized I’d relisted a sold item was because some has added it to one of the promoting threads good job the did otherwise I might not have known.
Yup! I did this a few times early on, like you because the item was showing as due for re-listing. Now I just totally ignore that section on my dashboard! I’d rather go into manage listings and check the expiry dates on there.
Fortunately with the plus account items can be relisted at any time so I tend to ignore the due for re listing bit and like Sasha just go to my listings and renew from there. If you can get into the habit of checking the last page of your listings then even without the plus account you could see what needs re listing as it is ordered in most recently listed first and expiry dates are easy to see. The email I keep getting from Folksy telling me items need re listing annoys me too - I can see why they have it but think it should be kept to active listings only, not sold or hidden.
I did a stupid thing a few years back. I was supplying a shop and took some stock there not realising one of the items I took was listed on another site. When I’d got back home I checked my emails and that said item had sold whilst I was out. I had to hunt all the shops in my town for some identical ribbon to repeat the item. I did manage which was a great relief.
I’ve done it too. I have relisted a couple of things which popped up as next to expire, but I had sold them and so had no stock. It took me ages to fathom out how I had managed to relist something I didn’t actually have, but now I avoid that bit.
I once sold the same thing twice after accidently relisting ,thankfully I had enough material to make a second one and had it made a posted by the next day.
I am more careful now.