Well I always thought soaps look weird if there is only one or two in stock - I’m not sure whether my customers agree or will have even thought about this
It only took 18 months of procrastination before I decided to upgrade. Now only time will tell if I regret it . At least I can now promote this shop (once its fully stocked & re-jigged) as well as the one on the dark side.
I’ve only sold 63 items in a year. Would you have gone plus in a similar situation?
I have no sales at present, but signed up for a plus account anyway! My rationale was: I have six weeks summer holiday, so I will use it to create and list items. If I’ve already paid upfront for a plus account, that will keep me motivated!
Yes I was thinking it might help motivate me. I’m careful with wastage so will be wanting so get my monies worth. Good luck with your new shop Rhiannon
Good luck with your shops ladies! I think the plus account is worth the money, just think of all the listing fees you’ll save. Sales are dependant on each of us individual sellers. Promotion and what not. x
Mine has just come up for renewal again for the third year. Definitely worth while I 'd say.
Good luck with your shops, fill them up and promote like crazy.
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Well, I have covered the cost of the plus account, so at least I got my money back, kind of anyway! I just wish it was easier to promote here, I like folksy, and only time will tell if I renew next year? If I double my money then its going to be worth it.
Thanks for all your replies
I’m going to be optimistic & I’m hopeful my shop will look better too
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