Hi Every one I am finding it so hard to make stock for my shop . l tried before Christmas but was busy with orders and one of my customers waiting bought what I had .Dont get me wrong I’m very happy that I’m selling and sounds daft but would like to have a few to sell in my shop to show and perhaps do craft fairs . So now I’m refusing orders so I can make what I want even though I still have orders to finish do you think this is wrong ?
I think some would envy your position. How ‘one off’ are your items? If the variation between repeat makes isn’t that great you could always list one using the photos of a previous make and make sure it is clear in the listing that the item is made to order (and set the lead time to an appropriate one so that you have time to make the item) and will vary slightly to the one in the photo. That would at least allow you to have a selection of products in your shop even if it doesn’t solve the issue of keeping up with orders. Craft fairs can be very hit and miss and are hard work so don’t worry you are not missing out on anything there! There is absolutely nothing wrong with turning down work if you don’t want to do it, the trick is learning how to do it politely so that they will come back later.
If you need to slow down orders so you can get stock made you could try putting your prices up a tad. That way maybe you won’t have to turn away trade -which is probably not a good move.
Another way of doing it is work on orders 2 days a week and stock 3 , people just have to wait a little longer for their items.
Thankyou Sasha I think that’s the problem although most are made from the same basic design I do what I call art ones and it’s these that slow me up so don’t do many ! I also want to do other things and just don’t have time . Do have some made in the same sock so maybe an idea !
I agree with Deborah, putting your prices up slightly might be the answer. You might lose a bit of business from people that don’t want to pay the higher price, but there’ll be plenty who will want to pay because your item is unique and they can’t get it anywhere else. Then you’ll have less sales at slightly more money, which should keep your income the same, and there should be some spare time left over to make different things too.
Yes it’s thinking you won’t sell if you put your prices up but they do take me time to make and creativeness is not always instant as people think . Yes another prob I have is I now look after my grandson two days a week so on the night shift . I also don’t take payment up front at Christmas a lady asked. Me for four so I said did she want to pay part she said no and when they was made took ages to collect the last two was picked up on Christmas Eve stressful
Thanks jo I make sock monkeys but I do know other makers charge a lot more than me ! Mine are CE tested and unique but I will try it tends to be people you know want them cheaper I’m my own worse enemy
Just wanted to add iv been crafting all my life I have been self employed for the past coming up 8 years and never really made a wage had part time jobs as well it’s not easy if you make handmade your business so I say good luck to anyone who dose this and there’s nothing be envious about It’s just taken me a long time I’m 60 this year thanks
I was in the same position as you about 10 years ago. I was so busy making and painting bespoke nameplates that I stopped enjoying the process of creating lovely gifts. I struggled on for about 4 years and then gave up completely after losing my dad to a stroke, moving house and having another baby all the same year! I’m feeling more positive now and have started making again. The old regular customers are gone, but I look forward to finding new ones.
Better to give yourself time and space to regroup and decide how best you would like all your worlds, sunnyteddys/ grandma/ social life/ personal life etc, to fit together.
You are important! Do what you love, but love what you do
And lastly, my hairdresser gave me a piece of advice very early on… charge proper money, you are doing a proper job!!
Thankyou You may have hit the nail on the head with what you say but if I gave up don’t think I would do it again and got so many ideas . I nearly gave up once before I made bagcharms and a bit of jewellery had my own place a lovely website and was all going well then hubby got made redundant and I lost my website then had to move back home because the rent got too much .sockmonkeys was something I did as a hobby a few years ago and now they have taken over as well as my gorgeous grandson Joe we are doing finger painting today he’s my life he’s only two there’s more important things in life but I’m not giving up yet
You’ll find inspiration again and come back refreshed.
I will reiterate a few points made above as well. It is essential for your sanity and well being that you charge ‘proper money’ for anything you make and sell. So many of us forget this or think it is somehow dirty and wrong. It isn’t. You are worth it, your time is worth it, your creativity is worth it.
Your right it’s that feeling you get that your not perfect your not as good even though you know you put all your heart and sole iinto what you make very true Thankyou .
Finger painting is very satisfying! Have you tried homemade play dough? Great way to introduce cooking and science to small children and they get to play with it afterwards. Win win!
Never give, just make some space. X
We have done baking but not home made play dough have to look at that! We had fun today we did hand prints and feet prints and just made a mess I’m trying not to worry about other things it will all come together
I put all my pictures on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/juliescollick or just follow link on my page Thankyou every one x