Anyone experiencing problems with the shop collections not saving if you upload a new item using the app. I have checked my listings from last week and all the ones I saved using the app were missing in the collections I assigned them to.
Also the categories seem to be taking forever to load in the app its almost quicker and more accurate it seems to log on the the computer.
I have had this for some time. Sent screen shots at Folksy’s request but they could not replicate the problem use an iPhone 12 and iPad. Does not happen on the iMac though so odd.
I’m on an iphone 11 but like you when uploading on the Mac book its fine.
Had same problem this morning taking forever, yesterday i could choose the catagory but when i checked on the pc it had not gone in there, using samsung galaxy
Can you let Folksy support know. Think I could have been the only one when it happened a few months back but if more people having the same problem not something I was doing.
@folksycontent could you ask your IT folks to look at this issue with the app as it appears to be an issue for a few of us and not just on apple. it seems to be android as well.
If you click on your profile picture when you’re on the app and then “give feedback”, it’ll take you to the form for reporting any issues with the app.
thanks. I hadn’t spotted that.
March 22 I did this post. Its now Sept 23 and the same bug still exists. Whats the point of the app if you can’t put stuff in collections. I might as well just log on to the website.
I go in list the item, publish then go back in and do the collection bit. Annoying but at least a work around.
Yes that’s what I find myself doing. I load as much as I can on the app then go online later to put the listings in to collections. Frustrating and time consuming!