I seem to be having trouble listing my new puppet on the Folksy App. Its not comeing up with the SUBCATEGORY.
Anyone else having this issue.
Thank you
I seem to be having trouble listing my new puppet on the Folksy App. Its not comeing up with the SUBCATEGORY.
Anyone else having this issue.
Thank you
This has been ongoing for sometime, I flagged to support a while ago but nothing has changed as they could not recreate the problem.
Suggest you let them know as the more of us that flag the problem hopefully it will be looked at.
You have a link who I can contact.
Email support@folksy.com
Ahh ok much easier than others to contact
The subcategories are currently very slow to load on the app, but if you wait about 30 seconds they should eventually show.
There’s also a link on the app for reporting any bugs. If you click on your profile picture and then where it says “give feedback”, it’ll take you to the form.