Subcategory not working?

I’m currently unable to list new items ( using the app on my phone) as the subcategory section just shows buffering?? Without this section filled in it won’t accept the rest of the listing. I’ve tried shutting it down and starting again but it keep happening. I’ve also tried on another device. This has gone on since Thursday.Is anyone else having this problem please?

Yes me too. It might be because they are adding something, I had problems with something on it a while back and had to keep deleting the app and re-loading it but then it settled down .
Now I know it’s not just me I will give it feedback. You can do this if you click on your icon on the app and it says give feedback underneath.

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Been like that for a few days but does go in eventually.

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Thank you… if I sit there long enough I’ve eventually got there today :grin: Hopefully it will get to normal soon.

Thanks so much for your reply ( especially as this is my first question on the Folksy forums😘) I downloaded the app onto another iPad from the cloud earlier and eventually that showed the categories… but really really slowly. As you say they must be doing something. Thank you for the info about reporting the problem, I will do that.

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It might be quicker (whilst/ if they are tweaking the app) to just open Folksy on a browser and list things the old fashioned way and occasionally (in a couple of days or so) check back to the app to see if it is back up and running properly.
(can you tell I’ve never really bothered with the app)


So far I’ve only used the app and it’s usually quick and easy, but thank you… I should get the laptop out because I’m now getting odd messages that I don’t understand as well :woman_facepalming:

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I have added new products the past 2 days and had the same problem oisting each item, if you leave it a minute or two the categories do appear on screen.

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Thanks Debby and so so sorry for not replying… I’ve just found a whole load of notifications in my junk file in emails :scream: flippin technology !!!

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Mmmm don’ you just love technology, it can be so frustrating sometimes :laughing: .

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