Hi everyone.
I just made my first sale on Folksy, so thats good. However, its been so long since i set up my account, ive forgotten what the information was about getting payment from a customer. Can anyone please help guide me to where I’d find:-
- My bank account information (i might want to change it).
- How, or when, Folksy processes payment to the shop owner after a sale?
Im looking in my dashboard, but i dont see anything, anywhere, about shop finances.
Thankyou in anticipation.
I found it!!!
Im an idiot!!
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Folksy don’t pay direct into your bank account. Your customer will either have paid with Paypal in which case the money goes to your PayPal account or Stripe in which case the money comes directly from them. Money will come to you via one of these sources depending on how you set them up. Don’t forget if it is a stripe sale then the folksy fees are deducted from the sale whereas if PayPal you will be billed at the end of the month.
Ha! But i am a bit, though
And, thank you.
Of course, i remember now why this venue is better than E**y.
Did you know your sale has put you at no. 32 in the Best Sellers list today.
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Well done on the sale Barry and no definitely not an idiot!
I see you are in Harwich, how lovely, I know it a bit as Dovercourt is one of my favourite places. Used to go there every year on holiday as a child and misspent several teenage summers working at the holiday camp Happy days. I still have a week at the caravan park most years.
I hope this is the first of many sales for you, good luck xxx