Hello, are there any plans yet to set up a system where customers can actually use the Gift Vouchers we sell for our products on the Folksy site? At the moment we can sell our vouchers on Folksy but they can’t be redeemed on Folksy…… which to be quite honest is ridiculous as most of my customers say, so I was wondering if any plans where in place to get this arranged? Should be as simple as the set up for coupon codes is really I would hope? Many thanks
It wouldn’t be as simple to set up as the discount codes. Discount codes can be used multiple times, by anyone and have no set value, gift vouchers would be single use and for a specific value. If you think about how etsy has it set up you can either have an etsy gift voucher for a set value which etsy manages so it isn’t for a specific shop or you can have a discount code for a set amount which is up to the shop to manage (ie issue the unique code when it’s purchased and then deactivate the code when its redeemed).